Artists' Video: Police, Pandemics and Presidents


Art Video 1972-2020: Police, Pandemics, and Assassinations: History and Practice

Instructor: J. Lion

W 1:25PM - 4:25PM
Rubenstein Arts Center 234

Cross Listing: DOCST321S/711S,

This class teaches aspects of conceptual video art production within a study of its history, specifically early U. S. and Canadian artist video responding to three still-resonant concerns: global pandemics, anti-Black police violence, and U. S. presidential spectacle. A Contemporary video—as cinematic form, gallery exhibition, web stream, broadcast television, social process, or used as tactical media intervention, act of witness, political prank, and legal/physical defense strategy will be considered. Classwork includes screenings, discussion, reading, writing, individual or collective video production, and extensive group critique. No technical experience needed.

This class teaches aspects of conceptual video art production within a study of its history, specifically early U. S. and Canadian artist video responding to three still-resonant concerns: global pandemics, anti-Black police violence, and U. S. presidential spectacle. A Contemporary video as cinematic form, gallery exhibition, web stream, broadcast television, social process, or used as tactical media intervention, act of witness, political prank, and legal/physical defense strategy will be considered. Classwork includes screenings, discussion, reading, writing, individual or collective video production, and extensive group critique. No technical experience needed.
Curriculum Codes
  • CCI
  • ALP
Cross-Listed As
  • ARTSVIS 311S
  • DOCST 321S
Typically Offered
Fall and/or Spring