Computational Media: Interdepartmental Major in Computer Science + Visual and Media Studies

Interdepartmental Major (IDM) in Computer Science + Visual and Media Studies

The Departments of Art, Art History & Visual Studies (AAHVS) and Computer Science sponsor an interdepartmental major (IDM) in Computational Media. This IDM is designed for students who want to combine deep theoretical and critical engagement with art, computation, and culture with substantive engagement with core computer science concepts and principles, undertaken alongside hands-on experience with computational media practice. Students interested in areas such as digital humanities, digital media and algorithmic arts, computer interface and experience design, game studies, digital storytelling and data journalism, information aesthetics, computational media ethics, global media studies and related topics will find the program of interest. The major also encourages participation in collaborative, interdisciplinary projects through the required Technical Project Experience, which may be fulfilled through coursework or participation in a variety of related programs, such as the Computational Media, Arts & Cultures labs, as well as Data+Story+Bass ConnectionsCode+CS+, or another approved project experience. 
The major is managed by Art, Art History & Visual Studies, in coordination with Computer Science.

Students interested in the IDM major should complete a draft of the Advising Form below and contact Professor Mark Olson, VMS area head, for a consultation and questions:  


Requirements for the Major

14 courses:  7 from Computer Science and 7 from Visual and Media Studies (VMS)

Computer Science:  Students must take 4 core courses from COMPSCI 201, 230 or 330, 210 or 250, and a course on computer systems or 370 (Artificial Intelligence) or 371 (Machine Learning).  In addition, 3 electives, which may consist of any COMPSCI course at the 200 level or above, with at most one Research Independent Study. At least two of the 7 Computer Science courses (core or elective) must be 300-level or above. Prerequisites include COMPSCI 101/102/116; MATH 111; and MATH 112 or a 100-level STA or higher.

VMS:  Requirements include VMS 202D: Introduction to Visual Culture; 1 theories course, 327S: Theories of Visual Studies or LIT 328S: Media Theory, or an approved alternative; 2 AAHVS practice-based courses or approved alternatives at the 200-level or above; 3 additional VMS electives at the 200-level or above including approved cross-lists; and 1 approved Technical Project Experience. All majors are also required to submit a Major Portfolio documenting their work.

Note that you must be a junior or senior, or have signed up for the major as a sophomore, to enroll in 500-level and above courses without permission. See the Trinity Guidelines for details.

Course Selection Details 

Art, Art History & Visual Studies

Students in the Computational Media major are expected to take a mix of theory and practice courses in VMS, CMAC, or ISS for their electives. Courses counting towards the major should be at the 200-level or above, and the majority should be with core faculty in AAHVS (see the departmental website). Typically "practice" courses include a digital computational method in their title (web development, data visualization, mapping, constructing virtual worlds, digital imaging, game design etc.), while "theory" courses may be historically or thematically focused in areas of visual and media studies, technology and cultural studies, media history, digital humanities, etc. A few courses could go either way because they contain a mix of elements, such as project-based courses in a lab or through Bass Connections, or some special topics. Students should consult with their advisor in VMS for questions on how specific courses might apply to their major requirements and obtain general advice on planning their schedule.

Computer Science Courses

Requirements include 4 core courses from COMPSCI 201, 230 or 330, 210 or 250 as well as a course on computer systems or 370 (Artificial Intelligence) or 371 (Machine Learning); 3 electives, which may consist of any COMPSCI course at the 200-level or above, with at most 2 Research Independent Studies. Two of those courses must be 300-level or above. For questions about Computer Science courses in the major, students should consult the Computer Science department directly.

Portfolio Requirement

All majors will be expected to compile a major portfolio documenting progress through the program. This will be compiled over time and will be completed as part of the final program review before graduation.

Technical Project Requirement

The project requirement for the major may be fulfilled in numerous ways, including though Bass Connections, Data+, Story+, Code+ and various lab-based projects. Students are expected to write a report documenting the project and their role its creation in order to receive credit towards the degree requirements. 


Students wishing to pursue Distinction in the Computational Media IDM follow the same requirements as those in VMS for registration. Typically this is a two-semester project, and ideally includes advisors from both sponsoring programs. The Distinction project itself must include both practice-based and written components.

Course Type Designations

Course categorizations for major requirements in the IDM. "Both" means a course can count for either one theory or one practice course requirement (cannot be double-counted). "Elective" means the course can serve as an elective but does not fulfill the thematic/practice requirements. To petition for courses not included on this list to be considered for fulfilling major requirements, students should reach out to their advisor in AAHVS. 

Note: Courses shown here without a CMAC course listing have listings in progress and will still be counted towards the major according to the type indicated. SPRING 2025 listings are tentative until Shopping Carts open.

Academic YearSemester TaughtCourse ListingTitleType
AY2425Spring 2025CMAC 172Anthropology of Design and UXIntroductory
AY2425Spring 2025CMAC 198Experimental Interface Design Introductory
AY2425Spring 2025CMAC 206Digital ImagingPractice
AY2425Spring 2025CMAC 240SWeb-Based Multimedia CommunicationPractice
AY2425Spring 2025CMAC 253Social Marketing Thematic
AY2425Spring 2025CMAC 265SDigital FeminismThematic
AY2425Spring 2025CMAC 355SVideogame Design and CritiquePractice
AY2425Spring 2025CMAC 357SDigital StorytellingBoth
AY2425Spring 2025CMAC 390SST: Algorithms of Anti-BlacknessThematic
AY2425Spring 2025CMAC 420Critical Digital StudiesThematic
AY2425Spring 2025CMAC 564SPhysical ComputingPractice
AY2425Spring 2025CMAC 575Generative Media AuthorshipBoth
AY2425Spring 2025CMAC 6660SGames, Play, SelfhoodThematic
AY2425Spring 2025ISS 306SCreative Cartography Both
AY2425Spring 2025ISS 323SSocial Movements, Social Media Thematic
AY2425Fall 2024CMAC 252Learning to FailElective
AY2425Fall 2024CMAC 253Social MarketingElective
AY2425Fall 2024CMAC 270SImmersive Virtual WorldsPractice
AY2425Fall 2024CMAC 310SArchives as DataBoth
AY2425Fall 2024CMAC 3513D Modeling and AnimationPractice
AY2425Fall 2024CMAC 565SNew Media, Memory, ArchiveThematic
AY2425Fall 2024CMAC 580SDH Proseminar 1Both
AY2425Fall 2024CMAC 581SHCVIS Prosem 2Practice
AY2425Fall 2024CMAC 618STheories of the VisualThematic
AY2425Fall 2024CMAC 666SBody as Electrochemical ComputerBoth
AY2425Fall 2024CMAC 690SST: Aethetics and PoliticsThematic
AY2425Fall 2024ISS 214SMedia TheoryTheory
AY2324Spring 2024CMAC 172Anthropology of Design and UXBoth
AY2324Spring 2024CMAC 198Experimental Interface Design Practice
AY2324Spring 2024CMAC 253Social Marketing Elective
AY2324Spring 2024CMAC 355SVideo Game Design and CritiquePractice
AY2324Spring 2024CMAC 575Generative Media AuthorshipPractice
AY2324Spring 2024CMAC 581SHistorical and Cutlural Visualization 2 Practice
AY2324Spring 2024CMAC 660SGames, Play, and Selfhood Thematic
AY2324Spring 2024CMAC 690SPhilosophy and Automation Thematic
AY2324Spring 2024ISS 306SCreative Cartography Both
AY2324Spring 2024ISS 313LISS 313L: Advanced Data VisualizationPractice
AY2324Spring 2024ISS/VMS 323SSocial Movements, Social Media Thematic
AY2324Spring 2024VMS 242History of Art Markets Both
AY2324Spring 2024VMS 324/ISS 321Sample and Remix Thematic
AY2324Spring 2024VMS 327STheories of VMS Thematic
AY2324Spring 2024VMS 332/ISS 305LVirtual Museums Both
AY2324Spring 2024VMS 358SDigital Durham Both
AY2324Spring 2024VMS 381SGraphic Design in Motion Practice
AY2324Spring 2024VMS436Science, Tech, Art Thematic
AY2324Fall 2023CMAC 187FSDigital StorytellingIntroductory
AY2324Fall 2023CMAC 240SWeb-Based Multimedia CommunicationPractice
AY2324Fall 2023CMAC 252Leaning to FailElective
AY2324Fall 2023CMAC 253Social MarketingElective
AY2324Fall 2023CMAC 265SDigital FeminismThematic
AY2324Fall 2023CMAC 390SDuke's Historical LandscapeBoth
AY2324Fall 2023CMAC 580SDH Proseminar 1Both
AY2324Fall 2023CMAC 666SBody as Electrochemical ComputerBoth
AY2324Fall 2023ISS 294LInteractive GraphicsPractice
AY2324Fall 2023ISS 435SChinese Media and Pop CultureThematic
AY2324Fall 2023ISS 511Designing Ethical TechThematic