Advising Checklists: click here
Once you have declared a major in Art, Art History and Visual Studies or a combination thereof, you will be assigned an advisor in that area. If you want to select a specific faculty member having taken previous courses with them or due to your interest in their area of expertise, please contact the assistant to the Director of Undergraduate Studies to make your request. Students should contact their advisor once they declare their major and make appointments in advance of fall and spring registration. The Director of Undergraduate Studies is available for consultation by appointment.
Each semester before advising and book-bagging begins, the student based organization DUMA (Duke Union for Media & the Arts)1 will host a meet and greet session to introduce students to faculty members and the courses being offered during the following semester. Please look for announcements about this meeting and you can attend and ask questions you might have about courses to be taught, the major or any other Art, Art History and Visual Studies oriented activities.
DUMA provides an outlet for personal departmental communication between undergraduate students and faculty. By fostering a relationship with the Art, Art History, and Visual Studies Graduate Association, members of the DUMA will learn about post-graduate academic opportunities in the arts. DUMA forms an academic communication center that will bridge relationships between the sectors of AMI, Documentary Studies, and Visual Studies and will act as a source of information for current research and funding opportunities in the arts, internship possibilities through Duke arts alumni networking, study abroad programs, and volunteer opportunities within Durham. Events sponsored by DUMA will promote academic conversation and exposure to local visual and performing art experiences, in addition to promoting interested awareness in current departmental research and projects (such as Wired!) through comfortable and informal events with faculty members.
1DUMA is an organization for undergraduate students at Duke, with a current major, minor, and/or concentration within the department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies. This includes students with a minor in Photography or a certificate in Documentary Studies or Cinematic Arts.