MA in Digital Art History/Computational Media

CMAC ghost project

The MA in Digital Art History and Computational Media (DAH/CM) is designed for graduate students focused on the study, creation, and use of digital media and computation in the arts and humanities. It is offered by the Department of Art, Art History and Visual Studies in partnership with the Information Science + Studies Program.

The Digital Art History track of the MA is related to the Digital Art History & Visual Culture Research Lab and focused on the furtherance of Art Historical research with new technologies, while the Computational Media track of the MA is related to the core CMAC Labs led by the CMAC core graduate faculty. Both tracks of the MA explore research and presentation strategies enabled by the information sciences, new approaches to computational processes, and new forms of interpreting quantitative and qualitative data.  The goals of the MA program are for students to understand the critical affordances and potential of digital media, to develop competencies in data-driven and computational approaches to knowledge production, and to develop a hybrid theory-practice MA thesis that demonstrates their expertise in action around a particular subject.

Digital research and production methods undertaken in the program may include:

  • data driven analysis and visualization
  • interactive/relational database design and search methodologies
  • interactive publishing  and storytelling techniques
  • generative forms of text, visuals and music production
  • media art and new forms of physical interface
  • virtual and augmented reality systems and games
  • complex systems analysis
  • new approaches to interface exploration and design
  • physical computing and interactive systems development

The program’s skills-centered instruction, combined with the requirement for lab affiliation and collaborative research and the emphasis on theoretical analysis, will produce graduates who not only have hands-on know-how and technical skills but who have developed a sophisticated understanding of informational globalization and our rapidly changing world.

Our MA graduates have gone on to positions in instructional technology, PhD programs, and museums. International students may be eligible for Optional Practical Training visa extensions to work in the USA after graduation. 09.0702 (STEM).

Applying to the DAH/CM MA Program

To apply, prospective students must submit an online application through the Duke University Graduate School. Applications must include a statement of purpose, three letters of recommendation, a writing sample, as well as transcripts. International applicants must submit English language proficiency test scores if English is not their first language. The GRE General exam is now optional. 

The statement of purpose should convey an applicant’s interests in our program and their reasons for wanting to pursue master’s level graduate study in digital art history or computational media.  The personal statement can and should be written from a first-person perspective, highlighting the applicant’s strengths and relevant background/experience.

The writing sample is intended to convey a sense of the applicant’s capacity for scholarly writing. Generally, applicants submit a paper they may have written for an undergraduate course, 10-20 pages.  In the case of longer written materials, applicants submit a sample of 10-20 pages, with a paragraph explaining how the selection fits within the longer work.  The topics vary depending on the academic background of the applicant, but ideally they relate in some way to--and reflect the student’s  interest and prior training in--digital art history or computational media.

Students interested in this program should apply to the MA in Digital Art History/Computational Media on the Duke Graduate School website. Applications will be vetted by a committee comprised of faculty within the Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies (AAHVS) and Lab Directors affiliated with the MA, who will select students based on their qualifications and on the Lab’s ability to take on new students in a given year.

More information on application requirements can be found at the Graduate School’s Online Application FAQ.

Please note that Duke University does not provide financial support for master’s-level graduate study, but applicants are urged to compete for national and foundation awards or seek student loans. Questions about financial aid should be directed to the Graduate School’s financial aid coordinator. In addition, many MA students take on teaching and research assistant positions, or other jobs on campus, after they arrive. Limited funds to support thesis-related research may also be available.

Program Requirements

The DAH/CM MA Program within the Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies (AAHVS) is 3 or 4 semesters plus a summer, and starts in the Fall term. Students begin the program by taking the theory/practice Proseminar, and at least one other designated media production or computational practice course, along with additional seminars and electives that fit their thesis project themes. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 9 graduate units (usually 3 courses) per semester, except in their final semesters on campus. Four courses (12 units) are often a reasonable load.  The Graduate School has special permission forms for auditing courses, enrolling in a course below the 500 level, taking a course overload, etc. Check their website for the latest info on rules and regulations. 

Students may also petition to take advanced undergraduate course credits of Level 200-499, typically from the Sciences or Social Sciences curriculum to acquire the necessary competencies in areas such as Computer Science and Statistics. However, these undergraduate courses do not count towards the GPA or the course credits required for Graduation. Students must fill out a permission form and get approval of both the DGS and the Graduate School's Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. 

Students in DAH/CM follow the same general course of required study, but specialize at the thesis level. Digital Art History focused students tend to be most interested in how new technologies and digital humanities methods may be applied to historical and critical questions in art history and visual culture. The Computational Media track emphasizes the affordances, and critique of the technologies themselves in the context of media, information, communication studies, and with an eye towards engaging and critiquing computational media forms of expression. 

The ideal candidate for the MA seeks deeper understanding of the intersection of quantitative and qualitative modes of historical and cultural research, is actively engaged with hands-on computational media production, and is interested in productive cross-overs between arts and sciences communities.  Both tracks prepare students for further graduate study in digital humanities and computational media and for training for jobs in museums and cultural heritage institutions, as well as media, design, advertising, and technical industries, among others.

Requirements: 10 Graduate Courses

  • Digital Art History/Computational Media Proseminars 1 and 2
  • One Practice-Based Course
  • Two Graduate Seminars
  • Two Lab Practicum Experiences (or additional Practice-focused courses at the grad level)
  • One Additional Elective
  • Two Thesis Credit Courses

Typical Program of Study

Year 1 FallYear 1 SpringYear 1 SummerYear 2 Fall*+
  • MA Proseminar (580S)
  • Grad Seminar 1**
  • Grad Level Practice Course 1
  • Practicum Experience 1 (VMS/CMAC 796L) or elective
  • MA Proseminar 2 (581S)
  • Grad Seminar 2**
  • Practice Course 2
  • Practicum Experience 2 (VMS/CMAC 797L) or elective
  • Summer Research and Training
  • Additional Courses relevant to the program (rare)
  • Thesis Credit 1 (HCVIS 791 w/ advisor)
  • Thesis Credit 2 (HCVIS 792 w/ secondary advisor) 
  • Optional Additional course(s) or IS
  • Final Thesis Exhibition/Presentation
  • Year 2 Spring Continuation Only (Optional)

*Students who elect to take four semesters to complete the program should take at least 9 graduate credits (3 courses) in the Fall of the second year to remain in good academic standing. The final semester can then just be registered as Continuation.

**Grad Seminars may also include courses that are at the 700+ level and above w/o the S. Substitutions of topical 500-600 level courses are upon approval of the DGS.

MA Proseminar

The first semester MA Proseminar is a course required for both tracks of the the MA in Historical and Cultural Visualization. The course focuses on theories and practices of digital humanities and computational media studies as they relate to historical and cultural analysis and research. The course typically also includes interested graduate students from around campus as well.

Practice Course

Students in this MA track may take existing AAHVS and Information Science + Studies (ISS) courses in Digital Humanities Practice, Historical and Cultural Visualization, Interface Design, and/or Computational Media, along with subject-area and technical electives relevant to their research topics, to fulfill this requirement. In courses that have both an undergraduate and graduate number, take the graduate version if you want to receive credit.

Core Seminars

Core seminars are relevant seminars taught by faculty in AAHVS. Students are expected to participate in at least two graduate seminars with AAHVS faculty as part of their graduate experience. Often but not always these will be seminars taught by faculty Lab directors. See also Sample Courses and the current Art, Art History and Visual Studies course listings.

Subject Area Electives

Subject area electives will vary based on the the thesis interests of thesis interests of the students involved.  These may include a wide variety of topics inside and outside AAHVS. Often courses listed or cross-listed in Information Science + Studies will be relevant.  Students will selected these courses in consultation with their Faculty Advisor(s).

Lab Practicum Courses

The Lab Practicum experience is typically undertaken in a single Lab both semesters, though some students may benefit from contact with multiple labs. The Lab Director is either the thesis director or a core committee member, depending on the final research topic.

Students will also be expected to participate in relevant workshops offered by the various Labs and in the Libraries as recommended by their advisors, such as:

LabsTechnical Areas Explored
Duke Art, Law and Markets (DALMI) LabDatabase Design, Visual and Quantitative Data Analysis
Digital Archeology (Dig@Lab)3D Modeling, Virtual Reality, Interactive Exhibitions
Emergence LabGenerative Art and Music, Interface Design, Haptics, Installation Art; Digital Architecture
ISS Lab and XR LabWeb Design, Mobile Applications, Augmented Reality, Virtual Worlds; 3D Printing
S-1 LabBiosensors, Physical Computing, Speculative Interaction Design
Visualization and Interactive Systems LabData Mining, Network Analysis, Game Development
Digital Art History and Visual Culture Lab3D modeling, Photogrammetry, Digital Mapping, Museum Exhibitions
Digital Humanities (FHI and Libraries)Digital Publishing, Digital Archives, Text Analysis, Historical GIS, Social Media, Data Visualization
Affiliated LabsIndividual faculty in other Campus Labs (FHI etc.) may be available to serve as mentors on projects

Summer Research

Students are expected to participate in independent summer research on their projects in pursuit of their degrees. In addition, summers can be an excellent time to develop technical skills further, as well as to participate in project-based internships and training on campus or in the community. 


The hybrid thesis is completed in the third semester (optionally continuing through a fourth), with research taking place over the summer preceding graduation. The thesis work will take place via two special independent studies with appropriate faculty members— one theory-oriented class where a written thesis will be developed; and one practice-based class where a digital humanities and or media art oriented project component will be developed with the Lab leader. While each student's project will differ in emphasis, with some more oriented towards historical and critical questions, and others oriented more towards exploration of computational media theories and practices, we do expect written and computational components from everyone's project. The thesis committee should also include one additional member selected from inside or outside our home department, Art, Art History & Visual Studies, on approval.

The program typically culminates in a Thesis Exhibition/Presentation at the end of the third or fourth semester. In special cases, students may petition to complete their degrees after a Fourth Semester, for which they will be required to pay continuation fees (but not full tuition). Students are expected to complete the program within two years.