Visit DukeHub for further information on each course.
Course | Course Title | Instructor |
ARTHIST 089S-01 | First-Year Seminar MEDUSA: ICON, MYTH, NATURE | Griebeler, Andrew |
ARTHIST 208-01 | Art and Archaeology of Ancient Athens | Judson, Catherine |
ARTHIST 222S-01 | History and Theory of Curatorial Practice | Price, Marshall |
ARTHIST 245S-01 | Women in Visual Arts, 1400-1800: Theory and History | Altun, Yasemin |
ARTHIST 306S-01 | Creative Cartography: Art and Science, Culture and Nature | Triplett, Edward |
ARTHIST 310-01 | Museum Practicum I | Raimond, Ellen |
ARTHIST 311-01 | Museum Practicum II | Raimond, Ellen |
ARTHIST 319D-001 | Introduction to Russian Culture through Art | Lucento, Angelina |
ARTHIST 339-001 | Chicago: Architecture, Urbanism, Politics | Jaskot, Paul |
ARTHIST 383-01 | The Black Atlantic | Powell, Richard |
ARTHIST 390S-01 | Special Topics in Art History ART AND POLITICS TODAY | Gabara, Esther; Sanches Duarte, Mateus |
ARTHIST 432S-01 | From the Art of the Pleasure Quarters to Tokyo Pop | Weisenfeld, Gennifer |
ARTHIST 438S-01 | Avant Garde Artistic Networks in and around the USSR | Lucento, Angelina |
ARTHIST 487S-01 | Gentrification and the Urban Landscape | Wharton, Annabel |
ARTHIST 495S-01 | Honors Thesis Workshop | Weisenfeld, Gennifer |
ARTHIST 582S-01 | Copies and Duplication | Abe, Stan |
ARTHIST 719S-01 | Creative Cartography: Art and Science, Culture and Nature | Triplett, Edward |
ARTHIST 738S-01 | Avant Garde Artistic Networks in and around the USSR | Lucento, Angelina |
ARTHIST 783-01 | The Black Atlantic | Powell, Richard |
ARTHIST 802S-01 | Atheisms before Secularism from Socrates to Spinoza | Griebeler, Andrew; |
ARTSVIS 107L-01L | Fundamentals of Art and Design | Salvatella De Prada, Raquel |
ARTSVIS 119S-01 | Introduction to Digital Photography | Lehner, Tash |
ARTSVIS 119S-02 | Introduction to Digital Photography | Yousef, Hareth |
ARTSVIS 119S-03 | Introduction to Digital Photography | Zubizarreta, Nora |
ARTSVIS 198-01 | Experimental Interface Design | Seaman, William |
ARTSVIS 199-01 | Drawing | Lasch, Pedro |
ARTSVIS 199-02 | Drawing | Clayton, Moriah LeFebvre |
ARTSVIS 206-01 | Digital Imaging | Wendell, Augustus |
ARTSVIS 207S-01 | Comics and Zines: History, Theory, and Practice | Fick, William |
ARTSVIS 210-01 | Sculpture | Hayes, Stephen |
ARTSVIS 211-01 | Intermediate Sculpture | Hayes, Stephen |
ARTSVIS 220-01 | Intermediate Painting | Thomas, William |
ARTSVIS 223-01 | Graphic Design in Multimedia: Theory and Practice | Lehner, Tash |
ARTSVIS 237-01 | Book Art: Typography as Image | Fick, William |
ARTSVIS 303S-01 | Writing the Short Film | Hawkins, Gary |
ARTSVIS 320-01 | Advanced Painting | Thomas, William |
ARTSVIS 326S-01 | Film Animation Production | Herbert, Casey |
ARTSVIS 356S-01 | 16mm Film Production | Zubizarreta, Nora |
ARTSVIS 375S-01 | Recycled Cinema | Sudak, Jason |
ARTSVIS 390S-01 | Special Topics in Visual Arts HISTORY/THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY | Lehner, Tash |
ARTSVIS 426-01 | Advanced Printmaking: The Printed Installation | Fick, William |
ARTSVIS 448S-01 | Advanced Art Research and Lab Practice | Lasch, Pedro |
ARTSVIS 453S-01 | Cinematography II | Milligan, Stephen |
ARTSVIS 496S-01 | Visual Arts Practice and Cinematic Arts Concentration Senior Capstone | Wendell, Augustus |
ARTSVIS 496S-02 | Visual Arts Practice and Cinematic Arts Concentration Senior Capstone | Gibson, Joshua |
ARTSVIS 558S-01 | Business Strategies for the Arts and Artists | McIver, Beverly |
ARTSVIS 575S-01 | Generative Media Authorship - Music, Text & Image | Seaman, William; |
ARTSVIS 710-01 | Sculpture | Hayes, Stephen |
ARTSVIS 720-01 | Intermediate Painting | Thomas, William |
ARTSVIS 721-01 | Intermediate Sculpture | Hayes, Stephen |
ARTSVIS 748S-01 | Advanced Art Research and Lab Practice | Lasch, Pedro |
ARTSVIS 753S-01 | Cinematography II Graduate | Milligan, Stephen |
ARTSVIS 775S-01 | Recycled Cinema | Sudak, Jason |
CINE 142-01 | LGBTQ/Queer Cinema and Cultural Production | Boyette, Sarah |
CINE 201-01 | Introduction to Film Studies | Furtado, Gustavo |
CINE 210-01 | Film Genres | Sudak, Jason |
CINE 215-01 | Animated Film: A History and Aesthetic | Herbert, Casey |
CINE 216-01 | Cinematic Authorship | Cason, Franklin |
CINE 301S-01 | Moving Image Practice | Zubizarreta, Nora |
CINE 301S-02 | Moving Image Practice | Von Bradsky, Gabrielle |
CINE 306S-01 | Writing the Movie | Hawkins, Gary |
CINE 311S-01 | Video, Art, Politics | Lion, Jenny |
CINE 318S-01 | Sound in Cinema: Sonic Theories in Film and Media | Cason, Franklin |
CINE 357S-01 | Editing for Film and Video | Haverkamp, James |
CINE 635S-01 | 16mm Film Production | Zubizarreta, Nora |
CINE 711S-01 | Video, Art, Politics | Lion, Jenny |
CINE 716-01 | Cinematic Authorship | Cason, Franklin |
CINE 718S-01 | Sound in Cinema: Sonic Theories in Film and Media | Cason, Franklin |
CINE 757S-01 | Editing for Film and Video | Haverkamp, James |
CMAC 240S-01 | Fundamentals of Web-Based Multimedia Communications | TBD |
CMAC 355S-01 | Videogame Design and Critique | Huskey, Hilary |
CMAC 357S-01 | Digital Storytelling and Interactive Narrative | Szabo, Victoria |
CMAC 564S-001 | Physical Computing | Olson, Mark |
CMAC 660S-01 | Games, Play, and Selfhood: Immersive Media and Extended Realities | Szabo, Victoria; |
CMAC 706-01 | Digital Imaging | Wendell, Augustus |
CMAC 755S-01 | Videogame Design and Critique | Huskey, Hilary |
ISS 520S-01 | Ghostly Statistics: Revenge Tragedies and Natural Language Processing | Giugni, Astrid |
ISS 536S-01 | Public History and Memory | Buerglener, Rob |
ISS 751S-01 | Digital Storytelling and Interactive Narrative | Szabo, Victoria |
VMS 327S-01 | Theories of Visual and Media Studies | Stiles, Kristine |
VMS 383-01 | Disability Studies Meets Design: A Critical Engagement | Olson, Mark |
VMS 389S-01 | Women and Visual Media Studies | Cobb, Jasmine |
VMS 390S-02 | Special Topics in Visual and Media Studies ART AND POLITICS TODAY | Gabara, Esther; Sanches Duarte, Mateus |
VMS 655S-01 | Black Feminist Art & Digitality | Cobb, Jasmine |