
0-99 Advanced Placement Credit; House Courses; First-Year Seminars; First-Year Writing; Registrar/Department special purpose
100-199 Introductory-level undergraduate courses; basic skills/activity courses; foundation courses; Focus program courses
200-399 Undergraduate courses above introductory level
400-499 Advanced undergraduate, senior seminars, capstone courses, honors thesis courses
500-699 Graduate courses open to advanced undergraduates
700-999 Graduate only courses (not open to undergraduates)

To see courses offered during a specific semester, please visit DukeHub and select “Class Search”.

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Number Title Codes
ARTHIST 20 Basic Art History
ARTHIST 89S First-Year Seminar
ARTHIST 101D Introduction to the History of Art CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 102D Introduction to World Art History from 1200 to the Present CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 103D Introduction to the History of Architecture ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 104 Exploring Art and Architecture - Foundations and Histories ALP
ARTHIST 107 Roman Art and Archaeology ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 139 Seven Wonders: Monuments and Cultures of the Ancient Mediterranean CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 169 Documentary Photography and Film of the Nuclear Age CCI, CZ
ARTHIST 175S An Archaeology of Inequality: Ancient Rome in Ten Objects CCI, R, CZ
ARTHIST 190A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 190FS Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 190S Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 196 Etruscans: Myth, Archaeology and Civilization CCI, CZ
ARTHIST 202 Imagining Europe: Arts, Culture, Politics CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 203A The Arts, Culture, and Performance of New York CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 204A Internship in New York
ARTHIST 205 The Aegean Bronze Age CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 206 Early Greek Archaeology: From the Fall of Mycenae to the Persian Wars CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 207 Classical Greek Archaeology, Archaic to Classical CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 208 Art and Archaeology of Ancient Athens CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 209A Rome: History of the City CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 210 The Art of Greece and Rome CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 212SA Contemporary Art in Berlin CCI, FL, ALP
ARTHIST 215S Representations of Women in the Classical World CCI, W, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 216S Art of the Ancient Americas R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 217 Loot: Who owns the past? EI, CZ
ARTHIST 218 Modern & Global India CCI, EI, W, CZ, SS
ARTHIST 219S The Tokyo Idea: Visualizing a Global City CCI, STS, ALP
ARTHIST 220 Museum Theory and Practice R, ALP
ARTHIST 221S The Museum Object: Art and Artifact on Display ALP
ARTHIST 222S History and Theory of Curatorial Practice ALP
ARTHIST 223D From Agra to Istanbul: Islamic Art and Architecture in the Early Modern Era CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 224S Islam, Art, and Society CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 225 Gothic Cathedrals CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 227 Medieval Castles of Europe STS, CZ
ARTHIST 228 Arts Policy, Leadership, and Engagement EI, R, SS
ARTHIST 229 Art & Architectural History of the Islamic World, 6th-13th c. CE CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 230S Jerusalem CCI, CZ
ARTHIST 231 History of Art Markets R, STS, ALP, SS
ARTHIST 231D History of Art Markets R, STS, ALP, SS
ARTHIST 232 Japanese Art, 1600 to the Present CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 234 Japanese Architecture CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 235 Introduction to Modern Realism ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 236 Visual Culture in Late Antiquity CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 238 Science Fiction Film CCI, EI, STS, ALP
ARTHIST 238S Science Fiction Film EI, ALP
ARTHIST 244D From Caricature to Comic Strip CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 245S Women in Visual Arts, 1400-1800: Theory and History ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 246 Roman Archaeology: Origins to Empire CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 251 Art and Christianity: A History of Christian Visual Culture ALP
ARTHIST 255 Art in Renaissance Italy CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 255A Renaissance and Baroque Art History CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 255FS Art in Renaissance Italy CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 256 Italian Baroque Art CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 259 Michelangelo CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 265 Drawing Foundations in Early Modern Europe ALP
ARTHIST 280 Avant-Garde Art 1900-1945 CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 281S Modernism and the Arts CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 282S African Americans & Photography CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 283 African American Art CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 284 The Political History of Modern Architecture: From Revolution through Neoliberalism CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 285D Modern Architecture CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 286 Contemporary Architecture CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 286D Contemporary Architecture CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 287 Early Modern Architecture: Europe and the United States, 1400-1800 ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 288 Dada and Surrealism CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 290 Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 290-1 Topics in Medieval Art and Architecture
ARTHIST 290A-1 Topics in Italian Art and Architecture
ARTHIST 290S Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 291 Independent Study
ARTHIST 292 Independent Study
ARTHIST 293 Research Independent Study R
ARTHIST 294 Research Independent Study R
ARTHIST 295 Chinese Art 1900 to Present CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 296SA Berlin: Architecture, Art and the City, 1871-Present CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 297SA Art and Architecture of Berlin, Fifteenth to the Twentieth Century CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 298 History of Impressionism CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 303 History of Photography, 1839 to the Present CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 305L Virtual Museums: Theories and Methods of Twenty-First-Century Museums R, STS, ALP
ARTHIST 306S Creative Cartography: Art and Science, Culture and Nature CCI, EI, ALP
ARTHIST 310 Museum Practicum I ALP
ARTHIST 311 Museum Practicum II ALP
ARTHIST 312 Internship in New York
ARTHIST 312A-1 Internship in New York
ARTHIST 315 Mapping History with Geographic Information Systems STS, CZ
ARTHIST 317 The Body in Art in Early Modern Europe: Power and Limits of Corporeal Representations CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 319 Introduction to Russian Culture through Art ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 334 Roman Spectacle CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 335S Photo Fever: Curating Photo Exhibitions R, ALP
ARTHIST 336 Pilgrimage and Tourism CCI, EI, W, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 337 The Art of Gardens: Hanging Gardens of Babylon to Duke Gardens CCI, R, ALP
ARTHIST 339 Chicago: Architecture, Urbanism, Politics ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 340S Classical Sculpture W, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 342A Dante and the Art of Hell R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 343SA Conservation and Management of the Material Heritage CCI, CZ
ARTHIST 344 Performance Art History and Theory CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 345 African Art: From Royal Court to Contemporary Marketplace CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 347 Roman Coinage: The Materiality of an Ancient Economy CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 349S Renaissance Architecture in Italy: Brunelleschi to Michelangelo ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 351 Art of the Meal: Alcohol and Feasting in the Ancient World CCI, CZ, SS
ARTHIST 354SL Digital Art History I: New Representational Technologies
ARTHIST 360D What Is Beauty? CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 378 Chinese Buddhist Art CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 381D Global Art Since 1945 CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 381S Global Art Since 1945 CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 382 Visualizing Cities: Representing Urban Landscapes, Cultures, and Environments R, STS, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 383 The Black Atlantic CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 384 Art of the United States EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 390 Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 390-1 Topics in Renaissance Art
ARTHIST 390A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Advanced Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 390S Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 390SL Special Topics in Art History and Digital Visualization
ARTHIST 391 Independent Study
ARTHIST 392 Independent Study
ARTHIST 393 Research Independent Study R
ARTHIST 394 Research Independent Study R
ARTHIST 395S Art History Methodology and Theory ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 417S Art & Democracy: Madrid/Barcelona/Valencia/Bilbao FL, ALP
ARTHIST 426S France-Asia: Cultural Transfers and Translations in a Globalized Context CCI, FL, W, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 432S From the Art of the Pleasure Quarters to Tokyo Pop CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 433S Photography in the Americas: War, Tourism, Art, and Protest CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 437S Art and History of Botany CCI, R, ALP
ARTHIST 438S Avant Garde Artistic Networks in and around the USSR CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 454SL Digital Art History II: New Representational Technologies Advanced
ARTHIST 455S Curatorial Practicum: Exhibition Development and Design ALP
ARTHIST 460S World War I and the History of Art & Architecture: Germany and Beyond CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 461S Art & Environment in the Islamic World
ARTHIST 475S Queer Theories of Experience & Art CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 476S Modern Spectacles 1790 - Present
ARTHIST 487S Gentrification and the Urban Landscape ALP
ARTHIST 488S How to do Research Like an Artist: Contemporary Methods, Theories, and Practice CCI, R, ALP
ARTHIST 490-2 Topics in Twentieth-Century Art (TOP)
ARTHIST 490-3 Topics in Contemporary Art
ARTHIST 490S Special Topics
ARTHIST 491 Independent Study
ARTHIST 492 Independent Study
ARTHIST 493 Research Independent Study R
ARTHIST 494 Research Independent Study R
ARTHIST 495S Honors Thesis Workshop R, W, ALP
ARTHIST 502S Greek Art: Hellenistic to Roman CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 503S Ancient Spain and Portugal: The Roman Provinces of the Iberian Peninsula CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 504SL Building Duke: An Architectural History of Duke Campus from 1924 to Today R, ALP
ARTHIST 505S Visual Studies from the Global South CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 506S Renaissance Art: A Critical Assessment ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 508S Art and Markets CCI, R, ALP, SS
ARTHIST 509S Mimesis in Theory, Embodied Practice, and Literary Arts CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 512S Travel Japan CCI, R, CZ, SS
ARTHIST 516S Fascism East and West: The Visual Culture of Japan, Germany, and Italy CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 520S Roman Provincial Archaeology: The West CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 532S Premodern Times: A User's Manual CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 535S Camera Asia CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 539 Black Camera: Still and Moving Images EI, ALP
ARTHIST 543S Methodology of Art History R, W, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 545S The Archaeology of Death: Ritual and Social Structure in the Ancient World CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 546S The American Artist R, W, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 547L Introduction to Digital Archaeology R, STS, CZ
ARTHIST 549S Roman Coinage: The Materiality of the Roman Economy CCI, R, CZ
ARTHIST 551SL Advanced Digital Art History: New Representational Technologies STS, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 553S Principles of Roman Archaeology CCI, R, CZ
ARTHIST 554S Harlem Renaissance CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 555S Art and the Holocaust: Architecture, Art, and Cultural Politics during the Nazi Period CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 556 Greek Archaeology Survey, Part 1 CCI, CZ
ARTHIST 557S Trauma in Art, Literature, Film, and Visual Culture EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 558S Spatial Practices CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 561 Etruscan Cities CCI, CZ
ARTHIST 570S The Evil Eye in Material Culture from Late Antiquity to Islam CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 575S Queer Theories of Experience & Art CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 580S Proseminar 1: Interdisciplinary Digital Humanities STS, ALP
ARTHIST 581S Historical and Cultural Visualization Proseminar 2 STS, ALP
ARTHIST 582S Copies and Duplication R, ALP
ARTHIST 588S Sculpture Europe to China CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 590S Special Topics
ARTHIST 590S-1 Special Topics in Greek Art
ARTHIST 590S-11 Special Topics in Greek Archaeology
ARTHIST 590S-5 Topics in African Art
ARTHIST 590S-8 Topics in Modern Art
ARTHIST 590S-9 Topics in Art since 1945
ARTHIST 590SL Special Topics in Roman Archaeology
ARTHIST 609S Transpacific and Global Asia/America: Connecting Divided Histories and Knowledges CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 620S Models: Premodern to Posthuman R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 643S Black Women, Black Freedom CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 650S Black Camera: Still and Moving Images CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 691 Independent Study
ARTHIST 695 Art History Internship
ARTHIST 705S How to do Research Like an Artist: Contemporary Methods, Theories, and Practice
ARTHIST 709S Art & Democracy: Madrid/Barcelona/Bilbao
ARTHIST 710S Modernism and Cultural Politics
ARTHIST 713S Jerusalem/Istanbul
ARTHIST 714 Historical Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
ARTHIST 715S Outsiders and Insiders
ARTHIST 716S Fascism East and West: The Visual Culture of Japan, Germany, and Italy
ARTHIST 718S History of Conceptual Art
ARTHIST 719S Creative Cartography: Art and Science, Culture and Nature
ARTHIST 720S Art History and Representation
ARTHIST 722S Curatorial Practices in a Global Context
ARTHIST 723S Grant Writing and Prospectus
ARTHIST 724S Copies and Duplication
ARTHIST 725S Women in Antiquity: An Intensive Methodological Introduction
ARTHIST 726 Museum Theory and Practice
ARTHIST 727S Greek Sculpture in Athens, Archaic to Roman
ARTHIST 728S Architectural Theory: Vitruvius to Palladio
ARTHIST 729S The Museum Object: Art and Artifact on Display
ARTHIST 730S A Cultural and Spatial Analysis of the Ghetto: Venice, Nazi Occupied Europe, Chicago
ARTHIST 731S The Bauhaus: Architecture, Design, Politics
ARTHIST 732S Women in Art: Early Modern Women Artists, Patrons, and Networks
ARTHIST 733L Virtual Museums: Theories and Methods of Twenty-First-Century Museums
ARTHIST 734S Renaissance Architecture: Theories and Histories
ARTHIST 735S Photo Fever: Curating Photo Exhibitions
ARTHIST 736S The Art & Politics of Cotton
ARTHIST 737S Art and History of Botany
ARTHIST 738S Avant Garde Artistic Networks in and around the USSR
ARTHIST 739S Pilgrimage and Tourism
ARTHIST 741S The Symbolist Movement in the Arts and European Thought
ARTHIST 743S Media and Mediation
ARTHIST 745S Women in Visual Arts, 1400-1800: Theory and History
ARTHIST 775S Queer Art - Graduate
ARTHIST 776S Modern Spectacles 1790–Present
ARTHIST 778S Chinese Buddhist Art
ARTHIST 779S Modern Spectacles 1790 - Present
ARTHIST 780 Visualizing Cities: Representing Urban Landscapes, Cultures, and Environments
ARTHIST 783 The Black Atlantic
ARTHIST 786S Islam, Art, & Society
ARTHIST 790 Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 790S Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 791 Individual Research in Art History
ARTHIST 792 Individual Research in Art History
ARTHIST 795S Digital Art History/Computational Media Thesis Writing Workshop
ARTHIST 802S Atheisms before Secularism from Socrates to Spinoza
ARTHIST 844S Protestants and Pictures
ARTHIST 859S Roman Catholic Visual Piety in the Modern Era
ARTHIST 911S Religious Material Culture in Theory and Practice
ARTSVIS 21 General Art, Studio
ARTSVIS 89S First-Year Seminar
ARTSVIS 107L Fundamentals of Art and Design ALP
ARTSVIS 115S Introduction to Black and White Photography ALP
ARTSVIS 119S Introduction to Digital Photography ALP
ARTSVIS 120 Compositional Painting ALP
ARTSVIS 130 Experimental Drawing: Image and Bit Play ALP
ARTSVIS 135 Experimental Sculpture and Installation Art ALP
ARTSVIS 140 Create, Innovate, Act: Creativity, Innovation, and Social Action ALP
ARTSVIS 152CNS Visualizing and Liberating Minor Stories: Archives, Museums, Histories
ARTSVIS 171SA Capturing the City: Documentary Photography in Berlin CCI, ALP
ARTSVIS 190FS Topics in Visual Arts
ARTSVIS 198 Experimental Interface Design STS, ALP
ARTSVIS 199 Drawing ALP
ARTSVIS 203 Introduction to Architectural Design ALP
ARTSVIS 204S Medicine and the Vision of Documentary Photography ALP
ARTSVIS 205 Intermediate Drawing R, ALP
ARTSVIS 206 Digital Imaging ALP
ARTSVIS 207S Comics and Zines: History, Theory, and Practice ALP
ARTSVIS 209 3D Modeling and Animation ALP
ARTSVIS 210 Sculpture ALP
ARTSVIS 211 Intermediate Sculpture ALP
ARTSVIS 212FS Digital Documentary Photography: Education, Childhood, and Growth EI, ALP
ARTSVIS 212S Digital Documentary Photography: Education, Childhood, and Growth EI, ALP
ARTSVIS 216S Documentary Photography and the Southern Culture Landscape CCI, ALP
ARTSVIS 220 Intermediate Painting ALP
ARTSVIS 222S The Photographic Portfolio ALP
ARTSVIS 223 Graphic Design in Multimedia: Theory and Practice ALP
ARTSVIS 224 Printmaking: Silkscreen R, ALP
ARTSVIS 226 Printmaking: Relief and Monotype R, ALP
ARTSVIS 228 Arts Policy, Leadership, and Engagement EI, R, SS
ARTSVIS 229S Experimental Filmmaking ALP
ARTSVIS 232S Small Town USA: Local Collaborations CCI, R, ALP
ARTSVIS 233S Costume Design R, ALP
ARTSVIS 234S Scene Design R, ALP
ARTSVIS 235S Lighting Design R, ALP
ARTSVIS 236L Costume Construction ALP
ARTSVIS 237 Book Art: Typography as Image ALP
ARTSVIS 238 Digital Printmaking: Exploring Photo Silkscreen and Photoshop ALP
ARTSVIS 240S Color Photography: Fieldwork and Digital Color ALP
ARTSVIS 242L Interactive Graphics: Critical Code ALP, QS
ARTSVIS 248S Cinematography ALP
ARTSVIS 249S The Photobook: History and Practice CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTSVIS 251AS Duke in London: Arts CCI, ALP
ARTSVIS 263S Representing Breast Cancer: Feminist Literature, Art, and Film CCI, W, ALP, CZ
ARTSVIS 264S Puppetry ALP
ARTSVIS 290 Topics in Visual Arts
ARTSVIS 290S Special Topics in Visual Arts
ARTSVIS 291 Individual Project in the Visual Arts
ARTSVIS 295S Arts Entrepreneurship ALP
ARTSVIS 303S Writing the Short Film W, ALP
ARTSVIS 305L Virtual Museums: Theories and Methods of Twenty-First-Century Museums R, STS, ALP
ARTSVIS 306S Creative Cartography: Art and Science, Culture and Nature CCI, EI, ALP
ARTSVIS 307 User Experience and User Interface Design and Development STS
ARTSVIS 308SA Latinx Voices in Duke, Durham and Beyond CCI, CZ
ARTSVIS 311S Video, Art, Politics CCI, ALP
ARTSVIS 317S Movement in Question: Introduction to Critical Dance Studies CCI, R, W, ALP, CZ
ARTSVIS 318S Photo Workshop ALP
ARTSVIS 320 Advanced Painting ALP
ARTSVIS 322S Motion Graphics for Film and Video STS, ALP
ARTSVIS 325S Visiting Filmmaker Master Courses: Special Topics ALP
ARTSVIS 326S Film Animation Production ALP
ARTSVIS 333S Creative Non-Fiction Cinema—Representing The Real
ARTSVIS 335S Photo Fever: Curating Photo Exhibitions R, ALP
ARTSVIS 340S Producing Docu-Fiction ALP
ARTSVIS 350S Sound for Film and Video ALP
ARTSVIS 353S Black Feminism and Fashion CCI, W, ALP
ARTSVIS 356S 16mm Film Production ALP
ARTSVIS 360A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Advanced Special Projects in Visual Arts CCI, ALP
ARTSVIS 364S Web Design and Narrative: Artists, Documentarians, Art Historians, and Entrepreneurs R, ALP
ARTSVIS 368S The View Camera: Black and White Large Format Photography ALP
ARTSVIS 371S The Choreographic Mind: Order, Disorder, Organization, Relations CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTSVIS 375S Recycled Cinema ALP
ARTSVIS 381S Graphic Design in Motion ALP
ARTSVIS 383S The Nature Film: History and Practice STS, ALP
ARTSVIS 390S Special Topics in Visual Arts
ARTSVIS 391 Independent Project in the Visual Arts
ARTSVIS 409S Social Space and Time CCI, STS, SS
ARTSVIS 426 Advanced Printmaking: The Printed Installation ALP
ARTSVIS 435 Experimental Sculpture and Installation Art ALP
ARTSVIS 448S Advanced Art Research and Lab Practice
ARTSVIS 450S Narrative Projects ALP
ARTSVIS 451S Filming Art ALP
ARTSVIS 452S Animation Projects ALP
ARTSVIS 453S Cinematography II ALP
ARTSVIS 485 Advanced Digital Practice
ARTSVIS 490S Special Topics in the Visual Arts
ARTSVIS 491 Independent Study
ARTSVIS 492 Independent Study
ARTSVIS 495S Honors Thesis Workshop R, W, ALP
ARTSVIS 496S Visual Arts Practice and Cinematic Arts Concentration Senior Capstone ALP
ARTSVIS 497S Advanced Visual Practice ALP
ARTSVIS 499S Visual Arts Practice and Cinematic Arts Concentration Senior Capstone
ARTSVIS 502S Analog Filmmaking and Darkroom Techniques ALP
ARTSVIS 510S (Neosentience) Body as Electrochemical Computer R, STS, ALP, NS
ARTSVIS 558S Business Strategies for the Arts and Artists R
ARTSVIS 564S Physical Computing STS, QS
ARTSVIS 571S Art as Work: Valuing Labor in the Arts CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTSVIS 575S Generative Media Authorship - Music, Text & Image ALP
ARTSVIS 590S Special Topics in the Visual Arts
ARTSVIS 605 Intermediate Drawing
ARTSVIS 606 Advanced Digital Practice R, ALP
ARTSVIS 618S Theories of the Visual CCI, ALP
ARTSVIS 635S Artificial Intelligence application and research in the Arts and Humanities STS, ALP
ARTSVIS 640S Expanded Cinema: Cinema Outside the Movie Theater ALP
ARTSVIS 641SL Narrative Practice in Global Art Cinema CCI, ALP
ARTSVIS 655S The Photographic Portfolio ALP
ARTSVIS 690S Special Topics in the Visual Arts
ARTSVIS 693 Individual Research Independent Study R
ARTSVIS 694 Individual Research Independent Study in the Visual Arts R
ARTSVIS 706 Digital Imaging
ARTSVIS 707 User Experience and User Interface Design and Development
ARTSVIS 710 Sculpture
ARTSVIS 711S Video, Art, Politics
ARTSVIS 717S Documentary Photography and the Southern Culture Landscape
ARTSVIS 718S Movement in Question: Proseminar in Critical Dance Studies
ARTSVIS 719S Creative Cartography: Art and Science, Culture and Nature
ARTSVIS 720 Intermediate Painting
ARTSVIS 721 Intermediate Sculpture
ARTSVIS 733L Virtual Museums: Theories and Methods of Twenty-First-Century Museums
ARTSVIS 735S Photo Fever: Curating Photo Exhibitions
ARTSVIS 740S Producing Docu-Fiction
ARTSVIS 748S Advanced Art Research and Lab Practice
ARTSVIS 753S Cinematography II Graduate
ARTSVIS 767S Advanced Visual Practice
ARTSVIS 768S The View Camera: Black and White Large Format Photography
ARTSVIS 775S Recycled Cinema
ARTSVIS 790S Special Topics in Visual Arts
ARTSVIS 794L Interactive Graphics: Critical Code
ARTSVIS 850S Deleuze: Cinema and Philosophy
CINE 89S First-Year Seminar
CINE 139 The Hollywood Musical: Singing and Dancing the American Dream CCI, ALP
CINE 141S Audiovisual Cultures in East Asia: Film, Music, and Other Media CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 142 LGBTQ/Queer Cinema and Cultural Production ALP, SS
CINE 169 Documentary Photography and Film of the Nuclear Age CCI, CZ
CINE 190 Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 190S Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 201 Introduction to Film Studies ALP
CINE 202 History of Documentary Film CCI, ALP
CINE 202A History of Documentary Film CCI, ALP
CINE 203S Film Theory STS, ALP
CINE 204S Media Theory STS
CINE 205 Contemporary Documentary Film: Filmmakers and the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival CCI, STS, ALP
CINE 207S Documentary and Policy: How Documentary Influences Policy ALP
CINE 208S The Silent Film: An Introduction STS, ALP
CINE 209A Internship in New York
CINE 210 Film Genres ALP
CINE 211S American Film Comedy ALP
CINE 212 American Dreams, American Movies ALP
CINE 213 Melodrama East and West CCI, ALP
CINE 214S American Independent Cinema CCI, ALP
CINE 215 Animated Film: A History and Aesthetic STS, ALP
CINE 216 Cinematic Authorship ALP
CINE 217A The Arts, Culture, and Performance of New York CCI, ALP
CINE 220S Production Management for Theater ALP
CINE 230S Sound, Music, and the Moving Image CCI, W, ALP, CZ
CINE 250 Master Filmmakers of Chinese Cinemas CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 251SA Berlin Film City: Movies in the Metropolis CCI, ALP
CINE 252 German Film ALP, CZ
CINE 253 Indian Cinema CCI, R, ALP, CZ
CINE 254 Italian Cinema CCI, ALP
CINE 255 Japanese Cinema CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 256 World of Korean Cinema CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
CINE 257 Contemporary Israeli Cinema CCI, EI, ALP
CINE 257S American Cinema: Redefined ALP
CINE 258S Islamic Media CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 259 Indian Cinema & Social Change CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 260 Anime: Origins, Forms, Mutations CCI, ALP
CINE 265 Anthropology and Film SS
CINE 266S Poetic Cinema CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 270S Storyworlds: The Art, Technology, and Pleasure of Narrative CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 271 Mafia at the Movies CCI, ALP
CINE 272 The Middle East Through Film CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
CINE 273 Religion and Film CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
CINE 276 America Dreams American Movies II: Independents Through Streaming CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 277S Independent African American Cinema CCI, ALP
CINE 278 Horror: Monsters, Vampires, and Ghosts in Film and Literature
CINE 280AS Studies in the United States Culture Industries R, W, ALP
CINE 281S How to Write a Horror Movie CCI, W, ALP
CINE 283A Introduction to Global Los Angeles: An Interdisciplinary Survey (Service-Learning) CCI, EI, ALP
CINE 284S Russian Language and Culture through Film CCI, FL, STS, SS
CINE 285S Russian Language and Culture through Film II CCI, FL, STS, ALP, SS
CINE 286 German History Through Film EI, ALP, CZ
CINE 289S Understanding Mediation CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 290 Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 290A Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 290S Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 295A Arts, Film, or Media Practicum
CINE 301S Moving Image Practice STS, ALP
CINE 302S Writing Movies and Plays: Adaptation W, ALP
CINE 303S Writing the Short Film W, ALP
CINE 304S Ready for Prime Time: Writing the Dramatic TV Episode W, ALP
CINE 305S Screenwriting W, ALP
CINE 306S Writing the Movie. Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Writing for the Screen W, ALP
CINE 307S Dance Film: Documentary Aesthetics in Dance-Moving Image Practice CCI, ALP
CINE 310S Acting For the Camera ALP
CINE 311S Video, Art, Politics CCI, ALP
CINE 315DS Environmental Issues & the Documentary Arts ALP
CINE 315S Environmental Issues & the Documentary Arts ALP
CINE 318S Sound in Cinema: Sonic Theories in Film and Media ALP
CINE 320S Film Animation Production ALP
CINE 322S Motion Graphics for Film and Video STS, ALP
CINE 325S Documenting Resistance on Film: The Poor People's Campaign from 1968 to Today
CINE 331S The Documentary Experience: A Video Approach R, ALP, SS
CINE 333S Representing the Real—Documentary and Other Fictions EI, ALP
CINE 334S Producing Docu-Fiction ALP
CINE 336S Autofictional Screenwriting: Crafting Personal Narratives for Global Cinema W, ALP
CINE 340S Experimental Filmmaking ALP
CINE 342S Filming Art ALP
CINE 343S Dance for the Camera R, STS, ALP
CINE 345S Hitchcock: Master of Suspense CCI, ALP
CINE 350S Sound for Film and Video ALP
CINE 351 3D Modeling and Animation ALP
CINE 352S Time, Space and Film R, STS, ALP
CINE 353S The Nature Film: History and Practice STS, ALP
CINE 355S Cinematography ALP
CINE 356S 16mm Film Production ALP
CINE 357S Editing for Film and Video ALP
CINE 366S Video Journalism ALP, SS
CINE 367S Acting for the Camera On Location ALP
CINE 371 News as a Moral Battleground EI, R, W, SS
CINE 373S Recycled Cinema ALP
CINE 374S Watchdog News and Storytelling: Changing Forms of Accountability Journalism EI, W
CINE 378S 'Bollywood' Dance, Music and National Identity
CINE 381S Graphic Design in Motion ALP
CINE 385S Visiting Filmmaker Master Courses: Special Topics ALP
CINE 388S Expanded Cinema
CINE 390 Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 390S Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 391 Independent Study
CINE 395 Internship R
CINE 396 Cinematic Arts Internship
CINE 396S East-West Cinema
CINE 419 Spanish Cinema from the Transition to the Present CCI, FL, ALP
CINE 419A Spanish Cinema from the Transition to the Present CCI, FL, ALP
CINE 425S Advanced Writing for Stage and Screen CCI, ALP
CINE 429S Historical Documentary Production EI, R, ALP, SS
CINE 433S Science, Technology, and Art FL, STS, ALP
CINE 439S Screening Europe CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 451S Narrative Projects ALP
CINE 452S Animation Projects ALP
CINE 453S Cinematography II ALP
CINE 490S Special Topics In Cinematic Arts
CINE 491 Independent Study
CINE 498S Cinematic Arts Projects
CINE 499S Visual Arts Practice and Cinematic Arts Concentration Senior Capstone ALP
CINE 502S Analog Filmmaking and Darkroom Techniques ALP
CINE 511 Documentary and East Asian Cultures CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
CINE 540S Memory and Documentary Cinema in Latin America CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 545 Black Camera: Still and Moving Images EI, ALP
CINE 609S Transpacific and Global Asia/America: Connecting Divided Histories and Knowledges CCI, ALP
CINE 610S Basic Concepts in Cinema Studies ALP
CINE 612S Theories of the Image: The Image in Walter Benjamin ALP
CINE 618S Theories of the Visual CCI, ALP
CINE 622S Film-philosophers/Film-makers STS, ALP, CZ
CINE 632 Questions of National Cinemas R, CZ
CINE 634S Producing Docu-Fiction ALP
CINE 635S 16mm Film Production ALP
CINE 639S Expanded Cinema: Cinema Outside the Movie Theater ALP
CINE 642 Citizen Godard CCI, W, ALP
CINE 643SL Narrative Practice in Global Art Cinema CCI, ALP
CINE 644S Third Cinema CCI, EI, STS, ALP, SS
CINE 650S Black Camera: Still and Moving Images CCI, ALP
CINE 685S Visiting Filmmaker Master Course: Special Topics ALP
CINE 690S Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 691 Independent Study
CINE 701S Experimental Filmmaking
CINE 702S Producing Docu-Fiction
CINE 703S Writing the Short Film
CINE 708S The Silent Film: An Introduction
CINE 711S Video, Art, Politics
CINE 716 Cinematic Authorship
CINE 718S Sound in Cinema: Sonic Theories in Film and Media
CINE 721S Motion Graphics for Film and Video
CINE 733S Creative Non-Fiction Cinema—Representing The Real
CINE 745S The Nature Film: History and Practice
CINE 749S Cinematography
CINE 750S Sound For Film and Video
CINE 751S Narrative Projects
CINE 752S Independent African American Cinema
CINE 753S Cinematography II Graduate
CINE 754S Animation Projects
CINE 757S Editing for Film and Video
CINE 771S Deleuze: Cinema and Philosophy
CINE 772 The Middle East through Film
CINE 773S Russian Language and Culture through Film
CINE 775S Recycled Cinema
CINE 788S Expanded Cinema
CINE 790 Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 791 Independent Study
CMAC 80S Special Topics: Introduction to Computational Media, Arts & Cultures
CMAC 110S Intro to Digital Culture: Media Theory, Politics, Aesthetics
CMAC 125L Foundations of Game Design EI, R, ALP
CMAC 125S Foundations of Game Design
CMAC 130CNS AI, Creativity and The Creation of Art
CMAC 155FS Video Game Design and Critique
CMAC 172 The Anthropology of Design and User Experience (UX) Research EI, R, STS, SS
CMAC 172CN The Anthropology of Design and User Experience (UX) Research
CMAC 187FS Digital Storytelling and Interactive Narrative EI, STS, W, CZ
CMAC 188FS Games and Culture: Gateway to the Study of Games
CMAC 190 Special Topics in Computational Media
CMAC 190FS Topics in Computational Media
CMAC 190S Special Topics in Computational Media, Arts & Cultures
CMAC 198 Experimental Interface Design STS, ALP
CMAC 206 Digital Imaging ALP
CMAC 210S Global Digital Media: Critical and Comparative Approaches to Information Technologies CCI, R, STS, ALP, SS
CMAC 222D Introduction to Digital Humanities STS, ALP, CZ
CMAC 240L Fundamentals of Web-Based Multimedia Communications R, ALP
CMAC 240S Fundamentals of Web-Based Multimedia Communications R, ALP
CMAC 241L Web Project Design and Development QS
CMAC 252 Learning to Fail SS
CMAC 253 Social Marketing: From Literary Celebrities to Instagram Influencers STS, SS
CMAC 255 Humanities Text Mining and Meaning R, STS, ALP, SS
CMAC 265S Introduction to Digital Feminism R, STS, SS
CMAC 266 Media History: Old and New STS, W, ALP, SS
CMAC 270S Constructing Immersive Virtual Worlds STS
CMAC 290 Special Topics in Computational Media
CMAC 290S Special Topics in Computational Media, Arts and Cultures
CMAC 291 Independent Study in Computational Media, Arts and Cultures
CMAC 293 Research Independent Study in Computational Media, Arts and Cultures R
CMAC 310S Archives As Data: Structuring Information for Humanities Scholarship R, STS
CMAC 315 Mapping History with Geographic Information Systems STS, CZ
CMAC 317 User Experience and User Interface Design and Development STS
CMAC 326 Introduction to Programming and User Interface Design in Unity 3D STS
CMAC 326S Introduction to Programming and User Interface Design in Unity 3D STS
CMAC 330S Tradigital; Mixed Material Processes for Traditional & Digital Design and Art
CMAC 332L Virtual Museums: Theories and Methods of Twenty-First-Century Museums R, STS, ALP
CMAC 351 3D Modeling and Animation ALP
CMAC 355S Videogame Design and Critique STS, ALP
CMAC 357S Digital Storytelling and Interactive Narrative STS, W, ALP
CMAC 366L Theories and Practices of Data Visualization R, STS
CMAC 380 Visualizing Cities: Representing Urban Landscapes, Cultures, and Environments R, STS, ALP, CZ
CMAC 390 Special Topics in Computational Media
CMAC 390-2 Topics in Computational Media Module
CMAC 390S Special Topics in Computational Media, Arts & Cultures
CMAC 391 Computational Media, Arts and Culture Independent Study
CMAC 393 Research Independent Study in Computational Media, Arts and Cultures R
CMAC 397L Interactive Graphics: Critical Code ALP, QS
CMAC 420S Critical Digital Studies CCI, R, SS
CMAC 434 Experimental Sculpture and Installation Art ALP
CMAC 490 Special Topics in Computational Media
CMAC 490S Special Topics in Computational Media, Arts & Cultures
CMAC 490T Collaborative Computational Media Project Design and Development Topics
CMAC 491 Computational Media, Arts and Culture Independent Study
CMAC 493 Research Independent Study in Computational Media, Arts and Cultures R
CMAC 495T Collaborative Computational Media Project Design and Development R, ALP
CMAC 520S Ghostly Statistics: Revenge Tragedies and Natural Language Processing ALP, QS
CMAC 564S Physical Computing STS, QS
CMAC 565S New Media, Memory, and the Visual Archive STS, ALP
CMAC 575S Generative Media Authorship - Music, Text & Image ALP
CMAC 580S Proseminar 1: Interdisciplinary Digital Humanities STS, ALP
CMAC 581S Historical and Cultural Visualization Proseminar 2 STS, ALP
CMAC 590 Special Topics in Computational Media
CMAC 590-2 Topics in Computational Media Module
CMAC 590S Special Topics in Computational Media, Arts, and Cultures
CMAC 590S-3 Special Topics in CMAC: Interdisciplinary Collaborative Project
CMAC 591 Individual Independent Study
CMAC 592 Individual Independent Study
CMAC 593 Research Independent Study in Computational Media, Arts and Cultures R
CMAC 606 Advanced Digital Practice R, ALP
CMAC 613S Computational Media Studio in Advanced Digital Practice STS, ALP
CMAC 618S Theories of the Visual CCI, ALP
CMAC 623S Media Philosophy: Systems, Information, Capital
CMAC 635S Artificial Intelligence application and research in the Arts and Humanities STS, ALP
CMAC 660S Games, Play, and Selfhood: Immersive Media and Extended Realities STS, ALP, SS
CMAC 666S (Neosentience) Body as Electrochemical Computer R, STS, ALP, NS
CMAC 690 Special Topics in Computational Media
CMAC 690S Special Topics in Computational Media, Arts, and Cultures
CMAC 691 Individual Independent Study
CMAC 692 Individual Independent Study
CMAC 693 Research Independent Study in Computational Media, Arts and Cultures R
CMAC 695 Computational Media, Arts & Cultures Internship R
CMAC 706 Digital Imaging
CMAC 715 Historical Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
CMAC 717 User Experience and User Interface Design and Development
CMAC 719S Creative Cartography: Art and Science, Culture and Nature
CMAC 720 Programming and User Interface Design in Unity 3D
CMAC 720S Programming and User Interface Design in Unity 3D
CMAC 733L Virtual Museums: Theories and Methods of Twenty-First-Century Museums
CMAC 740L Fundamentals of Web-Based Multimedia Communications
CMAC 740S Fundamentals of Web-Based Multimedia Communications
CMAC 741L Web Project Design and Development
CMAC 751S Digital Storytelling and Interactive Narrative
CMAC 755S Videogame Design and Critique
CMAC 758S Digital Durham
CMAC 760S Critical Digital Humanities: Theory and Practice
CMAC 766 Media History: Old and New
CMAC 770S Constructing Immersive Virtual Worlds
CMAC 780 Visualizing Cities: Representing Urban Landscapes, Cultures, and Environments
CMAC 790 Special Topics in Computational Media
CMAC 790S Special Topics in Computational Media, Arts, and Cultures
CMAC 790T Special Topics in CMAC: Project Based Tutorial
CMAC 791 Individual Research Independent Study
CMAC 792 Individual Research Independent Study
CMAC 794L Interactive Graphics: Critical Code
CMAC 795S Digital Art History/Computational Media Thesis Writing Workshop
CMAC 796L Media, Arts & Cultures Research Practicum I
CMAC 797L Media, Arts & Cultures Research Practicum II
CMAC 798L Media, Arts & Cultures Research Practicum III
CMAC 799L Media, Arts & Cultures Research Practicum IV
CMAC 850S Deleuze: Cinema and Philosophy
CMAC 881S Critical Posthumanities: The Human in Question
CMAC 890 Special Topics in Computational Media
CMAC 890S Special Topics in Computational Media, Arts, and Cultures
HCVIS 504SL Building Duke: An Architectural History of Duke Campus from 1924 to Today R, ALP
HCVIS 580S Proseminar 1: Interdisciplinary Digital Humanities STS, ALP
HCVIS 581S Historical and Cultural Visualization Proseminar 2 STS, ALP
HCVIS 613S Computational Media Studio in Advanced Digital Practice STS, ALP
HCVIS 791 Individual Thesis Research In Historical and Cultural Visualization
HCVIS 792 Individual Thesis Research In Historical and Cultural Visualization II
HCVIS 795S Digital Art History/Computational Media Thesis Writing Workshop
HCVIS 796L Media, Arts & Cultures Research Practicum I
HCVIS 797L Media, Arts & Cultures Research Practicum II
HCVIS 798L Media, Arts & Cultures Research Practicum III
HCVIS 799L Media, Arts & Cultures Research Practicum IV
VMS 89S First-Year Seminar
VMS 103 Traditions in Documentary Studies CCI, ALP
VMS 103D Traditions in Documentary Studies CCI, ALP
VMS 106S The Documentary Experience: A Video Approach R, ALP, SS
VMS 110S Intro to Digital Culture: Media Theory, Politics, Aesthetics
VMS 115S Introduction to Black and White Photography ALP
VMS 125L Foundations of Game Design EI, R, ALP
VMS 125S Foundations of Game Design
VMS 130 Anthropology and Film SS
VMS 131 Experimental Drawing: Image and Bit Play ALP
VMS 135 Experimental Sculpture and Installation Art ALP
VMS 140 Create, Innovate, Act: Creativity, Innovation, and Social Action ALP
VMS 141S Audiovisual Cultures in East Asia: Film, Music, and Other Media CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 155FS Video Game Design and Critique
VMS 165FS Virtual Realities: Collective Dreams from Plato to Cyberspace
VMS 170 Advertising and Society: Global Perspective (DS4) CCI, SS
VMS 170D Advertising and Society: Global Perspective (DS4) CCI, SS
VMS 171SA Capturing the City: Documentary Photography in Berlin CCI, ALP
VMS 187FS Digital Storytelling and Interactive Narrative EI, STS, W, CZ
VMS 188FS Games and Culture: Gateway to the Study of Games CCI, SS
VMS 190FS Topics in Focus: Visual and Media Studies
VMS 190S Special Topics in Visual and Media Studies
VMS 198 Experimental Interface Design STS, ALP
VMS 199 LGBTQ/Queer Cinema and Cultural Production ALP, SS
VMS 202 Imagining Europe: Arts, Culture, Politics CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 202D Introduction to Visual Culture CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 203D Introduction to Digital Humanities STS, ALP, CZ
VMS 204S Medicine and the Vision of Documentary Photography ALP
VMS 205 Introduction to Performance Studies CCI, W, ALP
VMS 206 Digital Imaging ALP
VMS 207S Children's Self Expression: Literacy Through Photography EI, ALP, SS
VMS 208S The Silent Film: An Introduction STS, ALP
VMS 209S Representations of Women in the Classical World CCI, W, ALP, CZ
VMS 210S Global Digital Media: Critical and Comparative Approaches to Information Technologies CCI, R, STS, ALP, SS
VMS 211S Children and the Experience of Illness ALP, SS
VMS 212FS Digital Documentary Photography: Education, Childhood, and Growth EI, ALP
VMS 212S Digital Documentary Photography: Education, Childhood, and Growth EI, ALP
VMS 213A Internship in New York
VMS 214 Games and Culture: Gateway to the Study of Games CCI, SS
VMS 214S Games and Culture: Gateway to the Study of Games CCI, SS
VMS 215S Documentary Photography and the Southern Culture Landscape CCI, ALP
VMS 216 Anime: Origins, Forms, Mutations CCI, ALP
VMS 217S Sound, Music, and the Moving Image CCI, W, ALP, CZ
VMS 218S Sociology through Photography ALP, SS
VMS 219S The Tokyo Idea: Visualizing a Global City CCI, STS, ALP
VMS 220S Ready for Prime Time: Writing the Dramatic TV Episode W, ALP
VMS 221 Printmaking: Silkscreen R, ALP
VMS 222 Animated Film: A History and Aesthetic STS, ALP
VMS 223 Melodrama East and West CCI, ALP
VMS 224S Small Town USA: Local Collaborations CCI, R, ALP
VMS 226S Space-Body-Image CCI, ALP
VMS 227S Color Photography: Fieldwork and Digital Color ALP
VMS 228S World of Gaming: Art, Theory, Technology, and Business of a Multi-Billion Dollar Global Industry CCI, EI, STS, CZ, SS
VMS 229S Experimental Filmmaking ALP
VMS 230 Black Popular Culture CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 231 Indian Cinema CCI, R, ALP, CZ
VMS 232 Japanese Cinema CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 233 Religion in American Life EI, CZ
VMS 234 World of Korean Cinema CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
VMS 235 Master Filmmakers of Chinese Cinemas CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 236 Contemporary Japanese Visual Culture CCI, W, ALP, CZ
VMS 237 Global Chinese Cities through Literature and Film CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 238S Media, Technology and Politics CCI, SS
VMS 240 Drama of Ancient Rome CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 241 Computer Graphics QS
VMS 242 History of Art Markets R, STS, ALP, SS
VMS 242D History of Art Markets R, STS, ALP, SS
VMS 243 Book Art: Typography as Image ALP
VMS 244D From Caricature to Comic Strip CCI, ALP
VMS 245 Arts, Film, Or Media Practicum ALP
VMS 247 Global Culture CCI, SS
VMS 248 Contemporary Israeli Cinema CCI, EI, ALP
VMS 249 Building Global Audiences STS
VMS 250 Japanese Architecture CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 251S Indigenous Journeys in South Asian Film and Literature CCI, ALP
VMS 252S African Americans & Photography CCI, ALP
VMS 253S Independent African American Cinema CCI, ALP
VMS 254 Representing Slavery CCI, EI, ALP, SS
VMS 255 Social Marketing: From Literary Celebrities to Instagram Influencers STS, SS
VMS 256 Drawing Foundations in Early Modern Europe ALP
VMS 257L Web Project Design and Development QS
VMS 257S American Cinema: Redefined ALP
VMS 260S Cinematography ALP
VMS 261S Moving Image Practice STS, ALP
VMS 264 Contemporary Documentary Film: Filmmakers and the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival CCI, STS, ALP
VMS 265 History of Documentary Film CCI, ALP
VMS 265A History of Documentary Film CCI, ALP
VMS 266 Media History: Old and New STS, W, ALP, SS
VMS 267 Film Genres ALP
VMS 268S American Film Comedy ALP
VMS 269 Religion and Film CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
VMS 270S Constructing Immersive Virtual Worlds STS
VMS 271S Film Animation Production ALP
VMS 272A The Arts, Culture, and Performance of New York CCI, ALP
VMS 273 The Middle East Through Film CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
VMS 274D Race, Genomics, and Society EI, STS, NS, SS
VMS 276 America Dreams American Movies II: Independents Through Streaming CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 277S Cyber Connections: Communication in the Digital Age W, ALP
VMS 278A Decentering Spanish Otherness: Visual Culture and Coloniality in Contemporary Spain CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
VMS 279AS Studies in the United States Culture Industries R, W, ALP
VMS 279S Studies in the United States Culture Industries R, W, ALP
VMS 280 German Film ALP, CZ
VMS 282 Drama of Ancient Greece ALP, CZ
VMS 283S Filming Freedom Movements: Movies, Music, Monuments, Memory EI, W, ALP
VMS 285 Ritual, Performance, and Religion CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 286S Introduction to Digital Feminism R, STS, SS
VMS 287 German History Through Film EI, ALP, CZ
VMS 288A Fundamentals of Web-Based Multimedia Communications R, ALP
VMS 288L Fundamentals of Web-Based Multimedia Communications R, ALP
VMS 288S Fundamentals of Web-Based Multimedia Communications R, ALP
VMS 289 Introduction to Film Studies ALP
VMS 290 Special Topics in Visual Studies
VMS 290S Special Topics in Visual Studies
VMS 290SA Special Topics in Visual and Media Studies
VMS 291 Independent Study
VMS 293 Research Independent Study R
VMS 294 Chinese Art 1900 to Present CCI, R, ALP, CZ
VMS 295S Arts Entrepreneurship ALP
VMS 296 Internship in New York
VMS 296A-1 Internship in New York
VMS 298S Film Theory STS, ALP
VMS 299 Aesthetics: The Philosophy of Art ALP, CZ
VMS 302 Philosophy of Mind R, CZ
VMS 303 History of Photography, 1839 to the Present CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 304 Mapping History with Geographic Information Systems STS, CZ
VMS 305S Video Journalism ALP, SS
VMS 306SA Latinx Voices in Duke, Durham and Beyond CCI, CZ
VMS 307 User Experience and User Interface Design and Development STS
VMS 308 Italian Cinema CCI, ALP
VMS 309DS Environmental Issues & the Documentary Arts ALP
VMS 309S Environmental Issues & the Documentary Arts ALP
VMS 310S Archives As Data: Structuring Information for Humanities Scholarship R, STS
VMS 316S Understanding Mediation CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 317S Russian Language and Culture through Film CCI, FL, STS, SS
VMS 318 Eastern Europe in Transition: Markets, Media, and the Mafia CCI, CZ, SS
VMS 319S Russian Language and Culture through Film II CCI, FL, STS, ALP, SS
VMS 320A Contemporary Russian Media CCI, EI, FL, SS
VMS 321S Writing Movies and Plays: Adaptation W, ALP
VMS 322S Motion Graphics for Film and Video STS, ALP
VMS 323S Social Movements and Social Media CCI, EI, STS, ALP, CZ
VMS 324 Sample & Remix: Contemporary Cultural Production Across Arts & Media CCI, R, STS, ALP, CZ
VMS 325L Optics and Photonics NS
VMS 326 Introduction to Programming and User Interface Design in Unity 3D STS
VMS 326S Introduction to Programming and User Interface Design in Unity 3D STS
VMS 327S Theories of Visual and Media Studies ALP
VMS 328S Media Theory STS
VMS 330S Black Durham: Discovering Durham's Hallowed Ground through Arts EI, ALP
VMS 331S Gender and Popular Culture CCI, W, SS
VMS 332L Virtual Museums: Theories and Methods of Twenty-First-Century Museums R, STS, ALP
VMS 332S American Independent Cinema CCI, ALP
VMS 333S Photo Workshop ALP
VMS 334 Roman Spectacle CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
VMS 335 Black Popular Culture: Black Cinema CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 336 Pilgrimage and Tourism CCI, EI, W, ALP, CZ
VMS 337 The History of Hip-Hop CCI, ALP
VMS 338S Writing the Short Film W, ALP
VMS 339S Sound for Film and Video ALP
VMS 340 Popular Representations of Black Masculinity CCI, ALP
VMS 340S Producing Docu-Fiction ALP
VMS 341S Farmworkers in North Carolina: Roots of Poverty, Roots of Change CCI, EI, CZ, SS
VMS 342S Islamic Media CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 343S Hitchcock: Master of Suspense CCI, ALP
VMS 344 Performance Art History and Theory CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
VMS 345S Dance for the Camera R, STS, ALP
VMS 346S Visual Cultures of Medicine STS, ALP
VMS 349 Hashtags Memes, Digital Tribes CCI, EI, STS, ALP, CZ
VMS 349S Hashtags Memes, Digital Tribes CCI, EI, STS, ALP, CZ
VMS 350S The Photobook: History and Practice CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 351 3D Modeling and Animation ALP
VMS 353 The Black Performance Tradition: Michael Jackson and Prince CCI, ALP
VMS 354S Poetic Cinema CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 355 American Dreams, American Movies ALP
VMS 355S Videogame Design and Critique STS, ALP
VMS 356S Editing for Film and Video ALP
VMS 357S Digital Storytelling and Interactive Narrative STS, W, ALP
VMS 358S Digital Durham R, STS, W, ALP
VMS 359A Introduction to Global Los Angeles: An Interdisciplinary Survey (Service-Learning) CCI, EI, ALP
VMS 360S Writing the Movie. Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Writing for the Screen W, ALP
VMS 362S 16mm Film Production ALP
VMS 363S Time, Space and Film R, STS, ALP
VMS 364S Web Design and Narrative: Artists, Documentarians, Art Historians, and Entrepreneurs R, ALP
VMS 365S The Documentary Turn: Southern Culture EI, W, ALP, CZ
VMS 365SL Digital Art History I: New Representational Technologies
VMS 366L Theories and Practices of Data Visualization R, STS
VMS 369S Electronic Music for TV and Movies
VMS 371S 'Bollywood' Dance, Music and National Identity
VMS 373S The View Camera: Black and White Large Format Photography ALP
VMS 374 Artists in Healthcare: Collaborations and Complexities CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
VMS 375S Recycled Cinema ALP
VMS 376SA Berlin Film City: Movies in the Metropolis CCI, ALP
VMS 378 Chinese Buddhist Art CCI, R, ALP, CZ
VMS 379S Visiting Filmmaker Master Courses: Special Topics ALP
VMS 380 Visualizing Cities: Representing Urban Landscapes, Cultures, and Environments R, STS, ALP, CZ
VMS 380SA Digital Cities and the Cartographic Imagination R, STS, CZ
VMS 381S Graphic Design in Motion ALP
VMS 382D Global Art Since 1945 CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
VMS 383 Disability Studies Meets Design: A Critical Engagement EI, ALP
VMS 383S The Nature Film: History and Practice STS, ALP
VMS 384S Storyworlds: The Art, Technology, and Pleasure of Narrative CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 385 Mafia at the Movies CCI, ALP
VMS 386S Documentary and Policy: How Documentary Influences Policy ALP
VMS 387S Screenwriting W, ALP
VMS 388S Black Thought and Creativity to 1865 CCI, ALP
VMS 389S Women and Visual Media Studies CCI, ALP
VMS 390 Special Topics in Visual & Media Studies
VMS 390A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Advanced Special Topics in Visual Studies
VMS 390S Special Topics in Visual and Media Studies
VMS 390T Special Topics in Visual and Media Studies: Tutorial
VMS 391 Independent Study
VMS 392 Independent Study
VMS 393 Research Independent Study R
VMS 394 Research Independent Study R
VMS 396 Graphic Design in Multimedia: Theory and Practice ALP
VMS 397L Interactive Graphics: Critical Code ALP, QS
VMS 398SA Duke in New York: New York, New York W, ALP, CZ
VMS 405S Media and Conflict CCI, EI, SS
VMS 412S Cultures of New Media STS, ALP, SS
VMS 414A Urban Fiction and Collective Imagination: Madrid Through Literature and Film CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
VMS 417S The Middle East: From Facebook to Film CCI, CZ, SS
VMS 419 Spanish Cinema from the Transition to the Present CCI, FL, ALP
VMS 419A Spanish Cinema from the Transition to the Present CCI, FL, ALP
VMS 425S Surrealism: Aesthetics and Politics FL, R, ALP
VMS 429S Historical Documentary Production EI, R, ALP, SS
VMS 432S From the Art of the Pleasure Quarters to Tokyo Pop CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
VMS 433S Photography in the Americas: War, Tourism, Art, and Protest CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
VMS 434 Experimental Sculpture and Installation Art ALP
VMS 435S Soviet Life through the Camera's Lens CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
VMS 436S Science, Technology, and Art FL, STS, ALP
VMS 437S Art and History of Botany CCI, R, ALP
VMS 438S Techno-Orientalism: Asian/America, (Post)Human and Science Fiction CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 439 Queer China CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
VMS 448S Advanced Art Research and Lab Practice
VMS 450S Narrative Projects ALP
VMS 451S Filming Art ALP
VMS 452S Animation Projects ALP
VMS 453S Cinematography II ALP
VMS 454SL Digital Art History II: New Representational Technologies Advanced
VMS 476S Archiving and Visualizing Asia: Politics and Poetics of Knowledge Production CCI, R, CZ
VMS 489S Screening Europe CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 490S Special Topics in Visual and Media Studies
VMS 490T Collaborative Computational Media Project Design and Development Topics
VMS 491 Independent Study
VMS 492 Independent Study
VMS 493 Research Independent Study R
VMS 494 Research Independent Study R
VMS 495S Honors Thesis Workshop R, W, ALP
VMS 495T Collaborative Computational Media Project Design and Development R, ALP
VMS 496S Visual Arts Practice and Cinematic Arts Concentration Senior Capstone ALP
VMS 497S Advanced Visual Practice ALP
VMS 499S Senior Capstone in Visual & Media Studies CCI, R, W, ALP, CZ
VMS 502S Analog Filmmaking and Darkroom Techniques ALP
VMS 503S Graphic Ethnography: Comics as Research CCI, EI, ALP
VMS 505S Visual Studies from the Global South CCI, R, ALP, CZ
VMS 510S (Neosentience) Body as Electrochemical Computer R, STS, ALP, NS
VMS 512S Performing Gender/Exhibiting Race R, ALP
VMS 520 Eco-Media: Studies in Planetary Futures CCI, CZ, SS
VMS 520S Eco-Media: Studies in Planetary Futures CCI, EI, CZ, SS
VMS 523S Imaging a Nation: Japanese Visual Culture 1868-1945 CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 525S Art and the Holocaust: Architecture, Art, and Cultural Politics during the Nazi Period CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
VMS 533S Live Images: Ancient and Medieval Representations of the Divine CCI, W, ALP, CZ
VMS 535S Camera Asia CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
VMS 536S Public History and Memory R, CZ
VMS 539S Queer China CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
VMS 540S Memory and Documentary Cinema in Latin America CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 545 Black Camera: Still and Moving Images EI, ALP
VMS 549S Techno-Orientalism: Asian/America, (Post)Human and SF CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 551SL Advanced Digital Art History: New Representational Technologies STS, ALP, CZ
VMS 552 Citizen Godard CCI, W, ALP
VMS 555S Black Visual Theory CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
VMS 557S Trauma in Art, Literature, Film, and Visual Culture EI, ALP, CZ
VMS 558S Business Strategies for the Arts and Artists R
VMS 559S Urbanism CCI, ALP, CZ
VMS 564S Physical Computing STS, QS
VMS 565S New Media, Memory, and the Visual Archive STS, ALP
VMS 567S Art and Markets CCI, R, ALP, SS
VMS 571S Art as Work: Valuing Labor in the Arts CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
VMS 575S Generative Media Authorship - Music, Text & Image ALP
VMS 576S Theory & Aesthetics: Roland Barthes R, W, ALP
VMS 580S Proseminar 1: Interdisciplinary Digital Humanities STS, ALP
VMS 581S Historical and Cultural Visualization Proseminar 2 STS, ALP
VMS 588S Sculpture Europe to China CCI, R, ALP, CZ
VMS 590 Special Topics in Visual and Media Studies
VMS 590S Special Topics in Visual Studies
VMS 610S Basic Concepts in Cinema Studies ALP
VMS 611S Third Cinema CCI, EI, STS, ALP, SS
VMS 612S Theories of the Image: The Image in Walter Benjamin ALP
VMS 613S Computational Media Studio in Advanced Digital Practice STS, ALP
VMS 616S China As World Picture CCI, ALP
VMS 618S Theories of the Visual CCI, ALP
VMS 620S Models: Premodern to Posthuman R, ALP, CZ
VMS 622S Film-philosophers/Film-makers STS, ALP, CZ
VMS 623S Media Philosophy: Systems, Information, Capital
VMS 625S Comparative Media Studies STS, ALP
VMS 632 Questions of National Cinemas R, CZ
VMS 634S Producing Docu-Fiction ALP
VMS 635S 16mm Film Production ALP
VMS 640S Expanded Cinema: Cinema Outside the Movie Theater ALP
VMS 641SL Narrative Practice in Global Art Cinema CCI, ALP
VMS 650S Black Camera: Still and Moving Images CCI, ALP
VMS 655S Black Feminist Art & Digitality ALP
VMS 660S Games, Play, and Selfhood: Immersive Media and Extended Realities STS, ALP, SS
VMS 685S Visiting Filmmaker Master Course: Special Topics ALP
VMS 690S Special Topics in Visual and Media Studies
VMS 691 Independent Study
VMS 692 Independent Study
VMS 706 Digital Imaging
VMS 708S The Silent Film: An Introduction
VMS 709 Chinese Im/migration: Chinese Migrant Labor and Immigration to the US
VMS 710S Performance Art and Performativity: Theories and Methods
VMS 718S Sound in Cinema: Sonic Theories in Film and Media
VMS 720S Art, Media, Technology/Histories, Theories, and Practices
VMS 721S Motion Graphics for Film and Video
VMS 722S Curatorial Practices in a Global Context
VMS 727S Theories of Visual and Media Studies
VMS 729S Experimental Filmmaking
VMS 731S The Bauhaus: Architecture, Design, Politics
VMS 737S Art and History of Botany
VMS 739S Sound For Film and Video
VMS 740S Producing Docu-Fiction
VMS 741S The Symbolist Movement in the Arts and European Thought
VMS 743S Media and Mediation
VMS 745S Brutal Humanism in Postwar Austria: Bernhard, Jelinek, Haneke, Seidl
VMS 748S Advanced Art Research and Lab Practice
VMS 751S Narrative Projects
VMS 753S Cinematography II Graduate
VMS 755S Videogame Design and Critique
VMS 757S Editing for Film and Video
VMS 760S Cinematography
VMS 770S Critical Digital Humanities: Theory and Practice
VMS 772 The Middle East through Film
VMS 773S Russian Language and Culture through Film
VMS 775S Recycled Cinema
VMS 788L Fundamentals of Web-Based Multimedia Communications
VMS 788S Fundamentals of Web-Based Multimedia Communications
VMS 790S Special Topics in Visual and Media Studies
VMS 793 Independent Study in Visual and Media Studies
VMS 794L Interactive Graphics: Critical Code
VMS 795S Digital Art History/Computational Media Thesis Writing Workshop
VMS 796L Media, Arts & Cultures Research Practicum I
VMS 797L Media, Arts & Cultures Research Practicum II
VMS 798L Media, Arts & Cultures Research Practicum III
VMS 799L Media, Arts & Cultures Research Practicum IV
VMS 850S Deleuze: Cinema and Philosophy
VMS 859S Roman Catholic Visual Piety in the Modern Era