Travel Japan


Examines the 2,000-year history of travel to, from, and within Japan. After an overview of the theory and methodologies of travel history, we take a chronological journey from the earliest surviving records of travel to Japan, through the travel literature of Japan's classical era, to travel accounts of European visitors in the 16th and 17th century, the burgeoning culture of travel in the Edo era, and the age of mass tourism in the land of the bullet train. Readings in secondary and primary sources include poetry and fiction, travel guides, diaries, maps, images, and material objects such as souvenirs and regional foods. Students will do a research project on a project of their choice.
Curriculum Codes
  • CCI
  • R
  • CZ
  • SS
Cross-Listed As
  • AMES 512S
  • EAS 512S
  • HISTORY 512S
Typically Offered
Spring Only