Art History Courses

Number Title Codes
ARTHIST 20 Basic Art History
ARTHIST 89S First-Year Seminar
ARTHIST 101D Introduction to the History of Art CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 102D Introduction to World Art History from 1200 to the Present CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 103D Introduction to the History of Architecture ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 104 Exploring Art and Architecture - Foundations and Histories ALP
ARTHIST 107 Roman Art and Archaeology ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 139 Seven Wonders: Monuments and Cultures of the Ancient Mediterranean CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 169 Documentary Photography and Film of the Nuclear Age CCI, CZ
ARTHIST 175S An Archaeology of Inequality: Ancient Rome in Ten Objects CCI, R, CZ
ARTHIST 190A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 190FS Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 190S Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 196 Etruscans: Myth, Archaeology and Civilization CCI, CZ
ARTHIST 202 Imagining Europe: Arts, Culture, Politics CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 203A The Arts, Culture, and Performance of New York CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 204A Internship in New York
ARTHIST 205 The Aegean Bronze Age CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 206 Early Greek Archaeology: From the Fall of Mycenae to the Persian Wars CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 207 Classical Greek Archaeology, Archaic to Classical CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 208 Art and Archaeology of Ancient Athens CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 209A Rome: History of the City CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 210 The Art of Greece and Rome CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 212SA Contemporary Art in Berlin CCI, FL, ALP
ARTHIST 215S Representations of Women in the Classical World CCI, W, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 216S Art of the Ancient Americas R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 217 Loot: Who owns the past? EI, CZ
ARTHIST 218 Modern & Global India CCI, EI, W, CZ, SS
ARTHIST 219S The Tokyo Idea: Visualizing a Global City CCI, STS, ALP
ARTHIST 220 Museum Theory and Practice R, ALP
ARTHIST 221S The Museum Object: Art and Artifact on Display ALP
ARTHIST 222S History and Theory of Curatorial Practice ALP
ARTHIST 223D From Agra to Istanbul: Islamic Art and Architecture in the Early Modern Era CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 224S Islam, Art, and Society CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 225 Gothic Cathedrals CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 227 Medieval Castles of Europe STS, CZ
ARTHIST 228 Arts Policy, Leadership, and Engagement EI, R, SS
ARTHIST 229 Art & Architectural History of the Islamic World, 6th-13th c. CE CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 230S Jerusalem CCI, CZ
ARTHIST 231 History of Art Markets R, STS, ALP, SS
ARTHIST 231D History of Art Markets R, STS, ALP, SS
ARTHIST 232 Japanese Art, 1600 to the Present CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 234 Japanese Architecture CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 235 Introduction to Modern Realism ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 236 Visual Culture in Late Antiquity CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 238 Science Fiction Film CCI, EI, STS, ALP
ARTHIST 238S Science Fiction Film EI, ALP
ARTHIST 244D From Caricature to Comic Strip CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 245S Women in Visual Arts, 1400-1800: Theory and History ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 246 Roman Archaeology: Origins to Empire CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 251 Art and Christianity: A History of Christian Visual Culture ALP
ARTHIST 255 Art in Renaissance Italy CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 255A Renaissance and Baroque Art History CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 255FS Art in Renaissance Italy CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 256 Italian Baroque Art CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 259 Michelangelo CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 265 Drawing Foundations in Early Modern Europe ALP
ARTHIST 280 Avant-Garde Art 1900-1945 CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 281S Modernism and the Arts CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 282S African Americans & Photography CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 283 African American Art CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 284 The Political History of Modern Architecture: From Revolution through Neoliberalism CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 285D Modern Architecture CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 286 Contemporary Architecture CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 286D Contemporary Architecture CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 287 Early Modern Architecture: Europe and the United States, 1400-1800 ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 288 Dada and Surrealism CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 290 Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 290-1 Topics in Medieval Art and Architecture
ARTHIST 290A-1 Topics in Italian Art and Architecture
ARTHIST 290S Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 291 Independent Study
ARTHIST 292 Independent Study
ARTHIST 293 Research Independent Study R
ARTHIST 294 Research Independent Study R
ARTHIST 295 Chinese Art 1900 to Present CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 296SA Berlin: Architecture, Art and the City, 1871-Present CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 297SA Art and Architecture of Berlin, Fifteenth to the Twentieth Century CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 298 History of Impressionism CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 303 History of Photography, 1839 to the Present CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 305L Virtual Museums: Theories and Methods of Twenty-First-Century Museums R, STS, ALP
ARTHIST 306S Creative Cartography: Art and Science, Culture and Nature CCI, EI, ALP
ARTHIST 310 Museum Practicum I ALP
ARTHIST 311 Museum Practicum II ALP
ARTHIST 312 Internship in New York
ARTHIST 312A-1 Internship in New York
ARTHIST 315 Mapping History with Geographic Information Systems STS, CZ
ARTHIST 317 The Body in Art in Early Modern Europe: Power and Limits of Corporeal Representations CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 319 Introduction to Russian Culture through Art ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 334 Roman Spectacle CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 335S Photo Fever: Curating Photo Exhibitions R, ALP
ARTHIST 336 Pilgrimage and Tourism CCI, EI, W, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 337 The Art of Gardens: Hanging Gardens of Babylon to Duke Gardens CCI, R, ALP
ARTHIST 339 Chicago: Architecture, Urbanism, Politics ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 340S Classical Sculpture W, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 342A Dante and the Art of Hell R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 343SA Conservation and Management of the Material Heritage CCI, CZ
ARTHIST 344 Performance Art History and Theory CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 345 African Art: From Royal Court to Contemporary Marketplace CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 347 Roman Coinage: The Materiality of an Ancient Economy CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 349S Renaissance Architecture in Italy: Brunelleschi to Michelangelo ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 351 Art of the Meal: Alcohol and Feasting in the Ancient World CCI, CZ, SS
ARTHIST 354SL Digital Art History I: New Representational Technologies
ARTHIST 360D What Is Beauty? CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 378 Chinese Buddhist Art CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 381D Global Art Since 1945 CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 381S Global Art Since 1945 CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 382 Visualizing Cities: Representing Urban Landscapes, Cultures, and Environments R, STS, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 383 The Black Atlantic CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 384 Art of the United States EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 390 Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 390-1 Topics in Renaissance Art
ARTHIST 390A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Advanced Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 390S Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 390SL Special Topics in Art History and Digital Visualization
ARTHIST 391 Independent Study
ARTHIST 392 Independent Study
ARTHIST 393 Research Independent Study R
ARTHIST 394 Research Independent Study R
ARTHIST 395S Art History Methodology and Theory ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 417S Art & Democracy: Madrid/Barcelona/Valencia/Bilbao FL, ALP
ARTHIST 426S France-Asia: Cultural Transfers and Translations in a Globalized Context CCI, FL, W, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 432S From the Art of the Pleasure Quarters to Tokyo Pop CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 433S Photography in the Americas: War, Tourism, Art, and Protest CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 437S Art and History of Botany CCI, R, ALP
ARTHIST 438S Avant Garde Artistic Networks in and around the USSR CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 454SL Digital Art History II: New Representational Technologies Advanced
ARTHIST 455S Curatorial Practicum: Exhibition Development and Design ALP
ARTHIST 460S World War I and the History of Art & Architecture: Germany and Beyond CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 461S Art & Environment in the Islamic World
ARTHIST 475S Queer Theories of Experience & Art CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 476S Modern Spectacles 1790 - Present
ARTHIST 487S Gentrification and the Urban Landscape ALP
ARTHIST 488S How to do Research Like an Artist: Contemporary Methods, Theories, and Practice CCI, R, ALP
ARTHIST 490-2 Topics in Twentieth-Century Art (TOP)
ARTHIST 490-3 Topics in Contemporary Art
ARTHIST 490S Special Topics
ARTHIST 491 Independent Study
ARTHIST 492 Independent Study
ARTHIST 493 Research Independent Study R
ARTHIST 494 Research Independent Study R
ARTHIST 495S Honors Thesis Workshop R, W, ALP
ARTHIST 502S Greek Art: Hellenistic to Roman CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 503S Ancient Spain and Portugal: The Roman Provinces of the Iberian Peninsula CCI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 504SL Building Duke: An Architectural History of Duke Campus from 1924 to Today R, ALP
ARTHIST 505S Visual Studies from the Global South CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 506S Renaissance Art: A Critical Assessment ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 508S Art and Markets CCI, R, ALP, SS
ARTHIST 509S Mimesis in Theory, Embodied Practice, and Literary Arts CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 512S Travel Japan CCI, R, CZ, SS
ARTHIST 516S Fascism East and West: The Visual Culture of Japan, Germany, and Italy CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 520S Roman Provincial Archaeology: The West CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 532S Premodern Times: A User's Manual CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 535S Camera Asia CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 539 Black Camera: Still and Moving Images EI, ALP
ARTHIST 543S Methodology of Art History R, W, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 545S The Archaeology of Death: Ritual and Social Structure in the Ancient World CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 546S The American Artist R, W, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 547L Introduction to Digital Archaeology R, STS, CZ
ARTHIST 549S Roman Coinage: The Materiality of the Roman Economy CCI, R, CZ
ARTHIST 551SL Advanced Digital Art History: New Representational Technologies STS, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 553S Principles of Roman Archaeology CCI, R, CZ
ARTHIST 554S Harlem Renaissance CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 555S Art and the Holocaust: Architecture, Art, and Cultural Politics during the Nazi Period CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 556 Greek Archaeology Survey, Part 1 CCI, CZ
ARTHIST 557S Trauma in Art, Literature, Film, and Visual Culture EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 558S Spatial Practices CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 561 Etruscan Cities CCI, CZ
ARTHIST 570S The Evil Eye in Material Culture from Late Antiquity to Islam CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 575S Queer Theories of Experience & Art CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 580S Proseminar 1: Interdisciplinary Digital Humanities STS, ALP
ARTHIST 581S Historical and Cultural Visualization Proseminar 2 STS, ALP
ARTHIST 582S Copies and Duplication R, ALP
ARTHIST 588S Sculpture Europe to China CCI, R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 590S Special Topics
ARTHIST 590S-1 Special Topics in Greek Art
ARTHIST 590S-11 Special Topics in Greek Archaeology
ARTHIST 590S-5 Topics in African Art
ARTHIST 590S-8 Topics in Modern Art
ARTHIST 590S-9 Topics in Art since 1945
ARTHIST 590SL Special Topics in Roman Archaeology
ARTHIST 609S Transpacific and Global Asia/America: Connecting Divided Histories and Knowledges CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 620S Models: Premodern to Posthuman R, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 643S Black Women, Black Freedom CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
ARTHIST 650S Black Camera: Still and Moving Images CCI, ALP
ARTHIST 691 Independent Study
ARTHIST 695 Art History Internship
ARTHIST 705S How to do Research Like an Artist: Contemporary Methods, Theories, and Practice
ARTHIST 709S Art & Democracy: Madrid/Barcelona/Bilbao
ARTHIST 710S Modernism and Cultural Politics
ARTHIST 713S Jerusalem/Istanbul
ARTHIST 714 Historical Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
ARTHIST 715S Outsiders and Insiders
ARTHIST 716S Fascism East and West: The Visual Culture of Japan, Germany, and Italy
ARTHIST 718S History of Conceptual Art
ARTHIST 719S Creative Cartography: Art and Science, Culture and Nature
ARTHIST 720S Art History and Representation
ARTHIST 722S Curatorial Practices in a Global Context
ARTHIST 723S Grant Writing and Prospectus
ARTHIST 724S Copies and Duplication
ARTHIST 725S Women in Antiquity: An Intensive Methodological Introduction
ARTHIST 726 Museum Theory and Practice
ARTHIST 727S Greek Sculpture in Athens, Archaic to Roman
ARTHIST 728S Architectural Theory: Vitruvius to Palladio
ARTHIST 729S The Museum Object: Art and Artifact on Display
ARTHIST 730S A Cultural and Spatial Analysis of the Ghetto: Venice, Nazi Occupied Europe, Chicago
ARTHIST 731S The Bauhaus: Architecture, Design, Politics
ARTHIST 732S Women in Art: Early Modern Women Artists, Patrons, and Networks
ARTHIST 733L Virtual Museums: Theories and Methods of Twenty-First-Century Museums
ARTHIST 734S Renaissance Architecture: Theories and Histories
ARTHIST 735S Photo Fever: Curating Photo Exhibitions
ARTHIST 736S The Art & Politics of Cotton
ARTHIST 737S Art and History of Botany
ARTHIST 738S Avant Garde Artistic Networks in and around the USSR
ARTHIST 739S Pilgrimage and Tourism
ARTHIST 741S The Symbolist Movement in the Arts and European Thought
ARTHIST 743S Media and Mediation
ARTHIST 745S Women in Visual Arts, 1400-1800: Theory and History
ARTHIST 775S Queer Art - Graduate
ARTHIST 776S Modern Spectacles 1790–Present
ARTHIST 778S Chinese Buddhist Art
ARTHIST 779S Modern Spectacles 1790 - Present
ARTHIST 780 Visualizing Cities: Representing Urban Landscapes, Cultures, and Environments
ARTHIST 783 The Black Atlantic
ARTHIST 786S Islam, Art, & Society
ARTHIST 790 Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 790S Special Topics in Art History
ARTHIST 791 Individual Research in Art History
ARTHIST 792 Individual Research in Art History
ARTHIST 795S Digital Art History/Computational Media Thesis Writing Workshop
ARTHIST 802S Atheisms before Secularism from Socrates to Spinoza
ARTHIST 844S Protestants and Pictures
ARTHIST 859S Roman Catholic Visual Piety in the Modern Era
ARTHIST 911S Religious Material Culture in Theory and Practice