Special Topics


Topic: Artists’ Writings as Philosophy.

Artists’ aesthetic, cultural, and political texts have provided unique perspectives on, and philosophical insights into, the human condition for thousands of years, enlightening societies throughout the world. While interviews with artists are generally easier to grasp, artists' own writings frequently pose challenges, as they strive to communicate often unprecedented relationships between thought and new forms of objects, images, ideas, and actions. This course will examine writings by artists throughout the world, from the late 19th through the 20th centuries into the first two decades of the 21st century.
ALP (Arts, Literature, Performance)

Instructor: Kristine Stiles

ARTHIST 490S.01  (crosslisted with VMS 490S)
Wednesdays, 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM
Online Synchronous

Focus on particular aspects of Art and Art History. Topics vary. Instructor consent required. Topics course.

Enroll Consent

Instructor Consent Required

sign stating the the true artist helps the world
Typically Offered