Number Title Codes ARTSVIS 21 General Art, Studio ARTSVIS 89S First-Year Seminar ARTSVIS 107L Fundamentals of Art and Design ALP ARTSVIS 115S Introduction to Black and White Photography ALP ARTSVIS 119S Introduction to Digital Photography ALP ARTSVIS 120 Compositional Painting ALP ARTSVIS 130 Experimental Drawing: Image and Bit Play ALP ARTSVIS 135 Experimental Sculpture and Installation Art ALP ARTSVIS 140 Create, Innovate, Act: Creativity, Innovation, and Social Action ALP ARTSVIS 152CNS Visualizing and Liberating Minor Stories: Archives, Museums, Histories ARTSVIS 171SA Capturing the City: Documentary Photography in Berlin CCI, ALP ARTSVIS 190FS Topics in Visual Arts ARTSVIS 198 Experimental Interface Design STS, ALP ARTSVIS 199 Drawing ALP ARTSVIS 203 Introduction to Architectural Design ALP ARTSVIS 204S Medicine and the Vision of Documentary Photography ALP ARTSVIS 205 Intermediate Drawing R, ALP ARTSVIS 206 Digital Imaging ALP ARTSVIS 207S Comics and Zines: History, Theory, and Practice ALP ARTSVIS 209 3D Modeling and Animation ALP ARTSVIS 210 Sculpture ALP ARTSVIS 211 Intermediate Sculpture ALP ARTSVIS 212FS Digital Documentary Photography: Education, Childhood, and Growth EI, ALP ARTSVIS 212S Digital Documentary Photography: Education, Childhood, and Growth EI, ALP ARTSVIS 216S Documentary Photography and the Southern Culture Landscape CCI, ALP ARTSVIS 220 Intermediate Painting ALP ARTSVIS 222S The Photographic Portfolio ALP ARTSVIS 223 Graphic Design in Multimedia: Theory and Practice ALP ARTSVIS 224 Printmaking: Silkscreen R, ALP ARTSVIS 226 Printmaking: Relief and Monotype R, ALP ARTSVIS 228 Arts Policy, Leadership, and Engagement EI, R, SS ARTSVIS 229S Experimental Filmmaking ALP ARTSVIS 232S Small Town USA: Local Collaborations CCI, R, ALP ARTSVIS 233S Costume Design R, ALP ARTSVIS 234S Scene Design R, ALP ARTSVIS 235S Lighting Design R, ALP ARTSVIS 236L Costume Construction ALP ARTSVIS 237 Book Art: Typography as Image ALP ARTSVIS 238 Digital Printmaking: Exploring Photo Silkscreen and Photoshop ALP ARTSVIS 240S Color Photography: Fieldwork and Digital Color ALP ARTSVIS 242L Interactive Graphics: Critical Code ALP, QS ARTSVIS 248S Cinematography ALP ARTSVIS 249S The Photobook: History and Practice CCI, ALP, CZ ARTSVIS 251AS Duke in London: Arts CCI, ALP ARTSVIS 263S Representing Breast Cancer: Feminist Literature, Art, and Film CCI, W, ALP, CZ ARTSVIS 264S Puppetry ALP ARTSVIS 290 Topics in Visual Arts ARTSVIS 290S Special Topics in Visual Arts ARTSVIS 291 Individual Project in the Visual Arts ARTSVIS 295S Arts Entrepreneurship ALP ARTSVIS 303S Writing the Short Film W, ALP ARTSVIS 305L Virtual Museums: Theories and Methods of Twenty-First-Century Museums R, STS, ALP ARTSVIS 306S Creative Cartography: Art and Science, Culture and Nature CCI, EI, ALP ARTSVIS 307 User Experience and User Interface Design and Development STS ARTSVIS 308SA Latinx Voices in Duke, Durham and Beyond CCI, CZ ARTSVIS 311S Video, Art, Politics CCI, ALP ARTSVIS 317S Movement in Question: Introduction to Critical Dance Studies CCI, R, W, ALP, CZ ARTSVIS 318S Photo Workshop ALP ARTSVIS 320 Advanced Painting ALP ARTSVIS 322S Motion Graphics for Film and Video STS, ALP ARTSVIS 325S Visiting Filmmaker Master Courses: Special Topics ALP ARTSVIS 326S Film Animation Production ALP ARTSVIS 333S Creative Non-Fiction Cinema—Representing The Real ARTSVIS 335S Photo Fever: Curating Photo Exhibitions R, ALP ARTSVIS 340S Producing Docu-Fiction ALP ARTSVIS 350S Sound for Film and Video ALP ARTSVIS 353S Black Feminism and Fashion CCI, W, ALP ARTSVIS 356S 16mm Film Production ALP ARTSVIS 360A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Advanced Special Projects in Visual Arts CCI, ALP ARTSVIS 364S Web Design and Narrative: Artists, Documentarians, Art Historians, and Entrepreneurs R, ALP ARTSVIS 368S The View Camera: Black and White Large Format Photography ALP ARTSVIS 371S The Choreographic Mind: Order, Disorder, Organization, Relations CCI, R, ALP, CZ ARTSVIS 375S Recycled Cinema ALP ARTSVIS 381S Graphic Design in Motion ALP ARTSVIS 383S The Nature Film: History and Practice STS, ALP ARTSVIS 390S Special Topics in Visual Arts ARTSVIS 391 Independent Project in the Visual Arts ARTSVIS 409S Social Space and Time CCI, STS, SS ARTSVIS 426 Advanced Printmaking: The Printed Installation ALP ARTSVIS 435 Experimental Sculpture and Installation Art ALP ARTSVIS 448S Advanced Art Research and Lab Practice ARTSVIS 450S Narrative Projects ALP ARTSVIS 451S Filming Art ALP ARTSVIS 452S Animation Projects ALP ARTSVIS 453S Cinematography II ALP ARTSVIS 485 Advanced Digital Practice ARTSVIS 490S Special Topics in the Visual Arts ARTSVIS 491 Independent Study ARTSVIS 492 Independent Study ARTSVIS 495S Honors Thesis Workshop R, W, ALP ARTSVIS 496S Visual Arts Practice and Cinematic Arts Concentration Senior Capstone ALP ARTSVIS 497S Advanced Visual Practice ALP ARTSVIS 499S Visual Arts Practice and Cinematic Arts Concentration Senior Capstone ARTSVIS 502S Analog Filmmaking and Darkroom Techniques ALP ARTSVIS 510S (Neosentience) Body as Electrochemical Computer R, STS, ALP, NS ARTSVIS 558S Business Strategies for the Arts and Artists R ARTSVIS 564S Physical Computing STS, QS ARTSVIS 571S Art as Work: Valuing Labor in the Arts CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ ARTSVIS 575S Generative Media Authorship - Music, Text & Image ALP ARTSVIS 590S Special Topics in the Visual Arts ARTSVIS 605 Intermediate Drawing ARTSVIS 606 Advanced Digital Practice R, ALP ARTSVIS 618S Theories of the Visual CCI, ALP ARTSVIS 635S Artificial Intelligence application and research in the Arts and Humanities STS, ALP ARTSVIS 640S Expanded Cinema: Cinema Outside the Movie Theater ALP ARTSVIS 641SL Narrative Practice in Global Art Cinema CCI, ALP ARTSVIS 655S The Photographic Portfolio ALP ARTSVIS 690S Special Topics in the Visual Arts ARTSVIS 693 Individual Research Independent Study R ARTSVIS 694 Individual Research Independent Study in the Visual Arts R ARTSVIS 706 Digital Imaging ARTSVIS 707 User Experience and User Interface Design and Development ARTSVIS 710 Sculpture ARTSVIS 711S Video, Art, Politics ARTSVIS 717S Documentary Photography and the Southern Culture Landscape ARTSVIS 718S Movement in Question: Proseminar in Critical Dance Studies ARTSVIS 719S Creative Cartography: Art and Science, Culture and Nature ARTSVIS 720 Intermediate Painting ARTSVIS 721 Intermediate Sculpture ARTSVIS 733L Virtual Museums: Theories and Methods of Twenty-First-Century Museums ARTSVIS 735S Photo Fever: Curating Photo Exhibitions ARTSVIS 740S Producing Docu-Fiction ARTSVIS 748S Advanced Art Research and Lab Practice ARTSVIS 753S Cinematography II Graduate ARTSVIS 767S Advanced Visual Practice ARTSVIS 768S The View Camera: Black and White Large Format Photography ARTSVIS 775S Recycled Cinema ARTSVIS 790S Special Topics in Visual Arts ARTSVIS 794L Interactive Graphics: Critical Code ARTSVIS 850S Deleuze: Cinema and Philosophy