Expanded Cinema: Cinema Outside the Movie Theater


This project-based course will explore moving image installation practices beyond the movie theater including alternative public spaces, devices, museums, white cubes and back boxes. The course will simultaneously examine relevant artworks in the context of their diverse histories and attendant theories, from early cinema devices, through works termed as Expanded Cinema around the 1970s, to current new media manifestations. Students will focus on developing moving image installation projects of their own, to be realized at various campus locations. Open to seniors and graduate students. Prerequisite: Two 200-level or above photography or film production classes.


Prereq ARTSVIS 630: Any two from specified group or their xlisted equivalents - or- permission of instructor.

Curriculum Codes
  • ALP
Cross-Listed As
  • CINE 639S
  • DOCST 640S
  • LIT 545S
  • VMS 640S
Typically Offered
Spring Only