Arts Entrepreneurship

VMS 295S

Student teams work on specific arts-based entrepreneurial projects. Teams comprised of students from different backgrounds (arts, engineering, economics, computer science). Goals include creating business plan and launching ventures in areas of the arts. Structure an adaptation of Fuqua Program for Entrepreneurs. Ideal projects have real/positive impact on society. Students learn to situate artistic creativity within projects that meet societal need. Students from any background welcome to apply for enrollment. Must have interest in arts or working with artists in entrepreneurial context. Admission by permission of instructors.

Enroll Consent

Instructor Consent Required

Curriculum Codes
  • ALP
Cross-Listed As
  • ARTSVIS 295S
  • DANCE 201S
  • DOCST 295S
  • I&E 295S
  • MUSIC 295S
Typically Offered
Spring Only