Shambhavi Kaul’s Slow Shift wins Jury Prize at Pesaro International Film Festival


Slow Shift, a 2023 short film by associate professor of the practice Shambhavi Kaul, has won the International Jury Prize at the 60th edition of the Pesaro International Film Festival. The jury, made up of internationally renowned personalities—Luís Miñarro, Júlio Bressane, and Myriam Mézières—stated that Kaul’s film “bears witness to the architecture of the time, of the wind and of the world before and after men.”

The film “reflects on the intersections between myth and reality. A World Heritage Site is showcased while being overrun by langurs in Hampi, India, revealing a co-existence between past and present.” (IMDB)

Kaul reacted to the announcement: “I am truly honored to receive this award. I thank the festival organizers, the selection committee, and the jury. For me, it was already an honor to have been selected in a legendary festival, which supports cinema internationally, without compromise. Even from India, where I heard about the festival for the first time. And it is thinking about this story, this unique competition, that I feel particularly enthusiastic about receiving this award. I am happy not only for myself, but also for my excellent collaborators. And I'm happy for all the filmmakers in the world who break the mold and take risks."

Still from Slow Shift.

Slow Shift was also screened at the film festival Animal, Mineral, Vegetable: Nature and the Non-Human in Film, in June at the Arsenal—Institute fur Film und Videokunst, Berlin. The program includes works by “some of the most intriguing directors currently working in contemporary cinema.”